047pegasus / hyprland-dots

🦄 Hyprland Cute Dotfiles

Home Page:https://aprendiendoaprogramar.netlify.app/configurando-hyprland-y-wayland/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

  • Window ManagerHyprland🎨 Tiles Everywhere!
  • ShellZsh 🐚 con starship Cross Shell Platform!
  • TerminalWezTerm 💻 A powerful term with gpu support!
  • PanelWaybar🍧 Patched waybar following hyprland faq!
  • Notify DaemonDunst 🍃 Minimalist and functional!
  • LauncherRofi 🚀 Realmente rápido y customizable!
  • File ManagerRanger🔖 custom!
  • GUI Basic-IDENvChad-V2 Rice IDE!

🌸 Setup



Install steps (Take care about it. Isn't a tutorial)

Read Spanish Detailed Guide Here


INSTALLATION (Arch Based Only)

First of all, this is a cute disclaimer. All of this settings are installed in Artix and in wayland only! I don't know how it work in other distro.

Hyprland Stuff

To get started, let's make sure we have all the necessary prerequisites. In this case, I'm using Paru as the AUR helper, but keep in mind that your system may require a different approach.
  • Installation using paru
## Hyprland Stuff
paru -S hyprland-git hyprpicker-git waybar-git \
dunst nwg-look wf-recorder wlogout wlsunset


  • Installation using paru
## Dependencies
paru -S colord ffmpegthumbnailer gnome-keyring grimblast-git gtk-engine-murrine \
imagemagick kvantum pamixer playerctl polkit-kde-agent qt5-quickcontrols        \
qt5-quickcontrols2 qt5-wayland qt6-wayland swww ttf-font-awesome tumbler     \
ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-icomoon-feather xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git xdotool  \
xwaylandvideobridge-cursor-mode-2-git cliphist qt5-imageformats qt5ct

Apps & More

## CLI & Tools
paru -S btop cava neofetch noise-suppression-for-voice   \
rofi-lbonn-wayland-git rofi-emoji starship zsh viewnior ocs-url
## Browser & File Explorer
paru -S brave-bin file-roller noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk  \
noto-fonts-emoji thunar thunar-archive-plugin
# VSCode
paru -S code code-features code-marketplace
# Theme Based
paru -S catppuccin-gtk-theme-macchiato catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha papirus-icon-theme sddm-git swaylock-effects-git kvantum kvantum-theme-catppuccin-git
# Pipewire & OBS
paru -S obs-studio-rc ffmpeg-obs cef-minimal-obs-rc-bin   \
pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio pipewire-pulse      \
pipewire-jack wireplumber gst-plugin-pipewire pavucontrol


To get started, let's make sure we have all the necessary prerequisites. In this case, I'm using Paru as the AUR helper, but keep in mind that your system may require a different approach.
git clone https://github.com/linuxmobile/hyprland-dots $HOME/Downloads/hyprland-dots/
cd $HOME/Downloads/hyprland-dots/
rsync -avxHAXP --exclude '.git*' .* ~/


Beauty community: r/unixporn.

© Artist who make Wallpapers, graphics and more

© All of mantainers of this amazing and opensource tools :3

© Owl4ce © Ilham25 © Siduck © NvChad © Rxyhn © AmitGold


🦄 Hyprland Cute Dotfiles



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