03stevensmi / youtube-scrape

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

YouTube Scrape

A YouTube search scraping API

Get search results

The base url to get search results, is as follows:


The url query options are as follows:

Query Type Description
q String YouTube search query
page Number The page of YouTube search results

Note that if no page is specified the default is 1 Here is an example call:


Example output:

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        "title": "Power - Herman Fassett",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYDxk7ZKvS0",
        "duration": "5:09",
        "snippet": "This is a bit more of an experimental piece I've been putting time into here and there for many months. The instrumentation is a ...",
        "upload_date": "3 months ago",
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        "username": "Herman Fassett",
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        "id": "7EY2qJ9vQHI",
        "title": "Sunrise - Herman Fassett",
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        "duration": "2:36",
        "snippet": "This is a song I wrote during my Thanksgiving break. I hope to be writing more pieces now that Christmas break here (or close).",
        "upload_date": "4 years ago",
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        "views": "267 views"
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        "title": "Exiled - Herman Fassett",
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        "duration": "2:01",
        "snippet": "My friends have been asking me what I really do all day... No, this isn't everything, but it's what I spent the majority of my Veteran's ...",
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        "title": "After Harvest - Herman Fassett",
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        "snippet": "I actually wrote this piece nearly 3 months ago and it was the quickest composition I've ever made. However, I've been distracted ...",
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        "title": "The Path To Freedom - Herman Fassett",
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        "snippet": "I wanted to change a few things to this piece, but I've been really busy and haven't uploaded anything in awhile. So, here it is as it ...",
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        "duration": "3:05",
        "snippet": "I actually had this cello melody sort of lying around and thought I'd pull it out really quickly for this contest: ...",
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        "duration": "3:23",
        "snippet": "This is a re-mixed version of a piece I wrote for the Documentary \"Echoes from The Heart\" on Gerondissa Makrina by Fiery ...",
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        "title": "Growth - Herman Fassett",
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        "duration": "3:28",
        "snippet": "A piece I've had in the works for a long time and have only just decided on a name. This is to signify the change around us as we ...",
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        "title": "A Winter Day - Herman Fassett",
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        "duration": "3:24",
        "snippet": "Here's my Christmas / Winter / New Year piece. I created it a few days back, but made a few minor adjustments today. Image used: ...",
        "upload_date": "4 years ago",
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        "title": "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - Herman Fassett",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nn7Ogr2x1ho",
        "duration": "4:21",
        "snippet": "A few hours of recording and mixing got me this. Nothing fancy, and so I was hoping to put some video story to it but yeah, didn't ...",
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        "title": "Snowfall - Herman Fassett",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5JAd7N3mBY",
        "duration": "2:52",
        "snippet": "Merry Christmas! This is my winter Christmas music this year -- actually I composed this as a gift to one of my sisters. ;) The video ...",
        "upload_date": "3 years ago",
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        "title": "Darkness Comes (WOT Fan Music) - Herman Fassett",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3REFOpIx6c",
        "duration": "3:22",
        "snippet": "This piece is kind of playing around with a very different style than I have ever done before, and I have also been reading the ...",
        "upload_date": "3 years ago",
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        "title": "Class is Rock",
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        "title": "Sussex Carol (On Christmas Night) - Herman Fassett",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAF11xeBOF0",
        "duration": "1:39",
        "snippet": "Just a quick cover of a Christmas carol since we're so close (some of us)...",
        "upload_date": "8 months ago",
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        "title": "Brightness Davar - (Stormlight Archive Music)",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s81qJvX5qrI",
        "duration": "7:02",
        "snippet": "Here's a new piece I've written which is a fan piece for Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive books. This follows the events that ...",
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        "title": "First Antiphon, apr. Michael van Opstall",
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        "duration": "2:46",
        "snippet": "First Antiphon, recorded in St. Nicholas ROC, Seattle. July 7, 2018. Video by Natalie Philo. Basses: Michael van Opstall, ...",
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        "title": "Приидите, поклонимся, прот. Михаила ван Опсталя",
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        "duration": "0:41",
        "snippet": "Come Let Us Worship, recorded in St. Nicholas ROC, Seattle. July 7, 2018. Video by Natalie Philo. Basses: Michael van Opstall, ...",
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        "username": "Michael van Opstall",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/user/opstall",
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        "title": "Classic Rock",
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        "views": "View full playlist"
      "uploader": {
        "username": "Edward Fassett",
        "url": "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvO9VZDUDsPDKk8DA3-AmSw",
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