01Vishwa / IBM-HR-Attrition-Dashboard

ibm hr attrition dashboard

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πŸ“Š Insights from IBM HR Attrition Dashboard in Power BI πŸ“Š

Our analysis reveals key variables influencing employee attrition at IBM, shedding light on strategic areas for improvement. Here's a summary of our findings and actionable recommendations:

🎯 Key Variables:

Numerical Variables:

  • Age
  • Compensation (e.g., MonthlyIncome, PercentSalaryHike)
  • Job Experience (e.g., TotalWorkingYears, YearsAtCompany)
  • Specific Job-related Variables (e.g., JobRole, YearsInCurrentRole)

Categorical Variables:

  • Job-related Aspects (e.g., Department, EducationField, JobRole, MaritalStatus)
  • Work-related Factors (e.g., EnvironmentSatisfaction, JobInvolvement, JobSatisfaction, OverTime, WorkLifeBalance)

πŸ“Š Limitations: While our analysis captures significant factors, unmeasured variables may also impact attrition.

πŸš€ Recommendations:

  1. Age:

    • Tailor strategies for different age groups.
    • Offer targeted development, mentorship, and flexible work arrangements.
  2. Compensation:

    • Regularly review and benchmark compensation.
    • Incorporate performance-based incentives to motivate and recognize contributions.
  3. Job Experience:

    • Provide advancement opportunities, skill development, and cross-functional training.
    • Establish clear career paths with regular feedback and evaluations.
  4. Specific Job-related Variables:

    • Customize retention strategies based on job roles.
    • Improve job satisfaction, provide challenging assignments, and foster a positive work environment.
  5. Job-related Aspects:

    • Enhance engagement and satisfaction through a supportive work environment.
    • Offer professional development and transparent promotion processes.
  6. Work-related Factors:

    • Improve factors like environment satisfaction, job involvement, and work-life balance.
    • Conduct regular surveys and address identified areas of improvement.
  7. Overall:

    • Cultivate a positive organizational culture valuing well-being, work-life balance, and growth.
    • Foster open communication, seek feedback, and adapt strategies based on employee needs.