00aj99 / bgbye

FOSS Image background remover with 10 open source rmbg models

Home Page:https://bgbye.fyrean.com

Repository from Github https://github.com00aj99/bgbyeRepository from Github https://github.com00aj99/bgbye




  • Latest Node.js and npm
  • python3 and python3-pip
  • Windows users must use Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
  • Concurrently (optional): for running both server and client at once. npm i concurrently -g


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/MangoLion/bgbye
    cd bgbye
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Set up the server:

    npm run setup-server

    Make sure to restart your terminal after!


Goto ./server/setp.sh and replace the index url with --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/rocm6.0

Do this before calling npm run setup-server


  • NPM takes forever to install? (WSL)
    • You probably didn't install npm on WSL, so its using npm on windows. Install npm on WSL first.
  • Internal server error 500 whenever submit an image/video
    • Could be CUDA issues, make sure your cuda GPU is visible (nvidia-smi)?
  • Internal server error 500 whenever submit a video, but image works
    • Check if ffmpeg is installed

Running the App

To start both the web app and server, run:

npm start

Moar notes

I'm so sorry this is using the long dead create-react-app template! Was setting up Cloudflare Pages for the first time and their tutorial installed CRA đź’€

I'll move this stuff to Vite later


FOSS Image background remover with 10 open source rmbg models



Language:JavaScript 49.5%Language:Python 43.7%Language:CSS 3.0%Language:HTML 2.2%Language:Shell 1.6%