007revad / Video_Station_for_DSM_722

Script to install Video Station in DSM 7.2.2

Repository from Github https://github.com007revad/Video_Station_for_DSM_722Repository from Github https://github.com007revad/Video_Station_for_DSM_722

Video Station for DSM 7.2.2

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The Video Station icon above is Copyright © 2004-2024 Synology Inc.


Script to install Video Station in DSM 7.2.2

Also installs the DSM 7.2.1 version of Advanced Media Codecs so that Synology Photos can create thumbnails of HEIC photos.

Synology's Video Station package has been installed more than 66 million times so there are a lot people very annoyed that Synology decided to abandon Video Station when DSM 7.2.2 was released. Many of those people are saying they will never buy another Synology NAS. So I decided to make it possible to install Video Station in DSM 7.2.2 for people who really want Video Station.

This script installs Video Station 3.1.0-3153 and Advanced Media Extensions 3.1.0-3005

Now also installs Media Server 2.1.0-3304 which supports video and audio conversion.

HEIC for Synology Photos: After running this script and enabling HEVC decoding in Advanced Media Extensions Synology Photos will be able to create thumbnails for HEIC photos again (you can then uninstall Video Station and/or Media Server if you don't need them).

UPDATE: Version 1.3.12 and later has a menu where you can select to only install Advanced Media Codecs, or skip installing Media Server or Video Station. See Screenshots

Recent zero-days security exploits were found in Synology Photos and Synology Drive Server and quickly patched by Synology.
Synology has not made Video Station End-Of-Life, as it is still available for DSM 7.2 and 7.2.1 which are both still getting security updates, so Synology should patch Video Station if any security exploits are found.

Video Station installed in DSM 7.2.2

Download the script

  1. Download the latest version Source code (zip) from https://github.com/007revad/Video_Station_for_DSM_722/releases
  2. Save the download zip file to a folder on the Synology.
  3. Unzip the zip file.

To run the script via task scheduler

See How to run from task scheduler

To run the script via SSH

How to enable SSH and login to DSM via SSH

sudo -s /volume1/scripts/videostation_for_722.sh

Note: Replace /volume1/scripts/ with the path to where the script is located.

After running the script

Enable HEVC decoding:

  1. Open Package Center > Installed.
  2. Click Advanced Media Extensions.
  3. Click on Open.
  4. You may need to Sign in to your Synology account
  5. Click on Install then OK.

What about DTS, EAC3 and TrueHD Audio?

You can install FFmpeg 6 from SynoCommunity. See Easy Install to add SynologyCommunity package repository to Package Center.

Then you have a choice of two official Wrappers:

  1. Download the latest release from https://github.com/AlexPresso/VideoStation-FFMPEG-Patcher and unzip it.

    • Then run VideoStation-FFMPEG-Patcher with the -v 6 option:
    sudo -s /volume1/scripts/VideoStation-FFMPEG-Patcher/patcher.sh -v 6
  2. Check it out for more details: https://github.com/darknebular/Wrapper_VideoStation

    bash -c "$(curl "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/darknebular/Wrapper_VideoStation/main/installer.sh")"

What about future DSM updates?

With Video Station installed:

  1. You'll get a message saying Video Station needs to be uninstalled before updating DSM.
  2. Uninstall Video Station (but do not tick the box to delete Video Station's database).
  3. Update DSM.
  4. Package Center will show Advanced Media Extensions and Media Server as "incompatible with your DSM".
  5. Run this script again.

Without Video Station installed:

  1. Update DSM.
  2. Package Center will show Advanced Media Extensions and Media Server as "incompatible with your DSM".
  3. Run this script again.


Install only Advanced Media Codecs

Skip installing Media Server

Install All


Script to install Video Station in DSM 7.2.2

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%