zzzsochi / cats

It brings more cats to your life!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Call me too old fashion but...

magniff opened this issue · comments

it actually would be great just go ahead and add some support of py3.4. Thaaaaaanx, yaaa.

 $ python --version
Python 3.4.3
 $ cats
                           \ \
                            \ \
                             | |
                             | |
           /\---/\   _,---._ | |
          /^   ^  \,'       `. ;
         ( O   O   )           ;
          `.=o=__,'            \
            /         _,--.__   \
           /  _ )   ,'   `-. `-. \
          / ,' /  ,'        \ \ \ \
         / /  / ,'          (,_)(,_)
        (,;  (,,)      jrei

Use vagrant with 3.5, Luke. :-)

Lets make it clear: you are saying that in order to use this app I have to install vagrant?) You cant be serious, man.

Угу... Or create the pull request. :-)