Fail to allocate bitmap - Batch processing
rickkk856 opened this issue · comments
Ricardo Rodrigues commented
I'm running a modified version of to convert the dataset into the vector floorplan with doors and windows, I just made a loop to go throught every filename instead of using a custom from the file
But it only runs 390 files and gives me a Fail to allocate bitmap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from rplan.floorplan import Floorplan
from rplan.align import align_fp_gt
from rplan.decorate import get_dw
from rplan.measure import compute_tf
from rplan.plot import get_figure,get_axes,plot_category,plot_boundary,plot_graph,plot_fp,plot_tf
from os import walk
mypath = ./data/
f = []
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(mypath):
print("FILES LOADED ............",f)
lenght = len(f)
print("There will be loaded ",lenght," Images")
for f in f:
file_path = ('./data/'+f)
print("Loading Image From............",file_path)
fp = Floorplan(file_path)
img = fp.image
data = fp.to_dict()
boxes_aligned, order, room_boundaries = align_fp_gt(data['boundary'],data['boxes'],data['types'],data['edges'])
data['boxes_aligned'] = boxes_aligned
data['order'] = order
data['room_boundaries'] = room_boundaries
doors,windows = get_dw(data)
data['doors'] = doors
data['windows'] = windows
## Activate the line of code of what type of image you want
## Images will be saved in "./output" folder with same filenames
#plot_category(fp.category) # raw image
#plot_boundary(data['boundary']) # vector boundary
#plot_graph(data['boundary'],data['boxes'],data['types'],data['edges']) # node graph
#plot_fp(data['boundary'], data['boxes_aligned'][order], data['types'][order]) # vector floorplan
plot_fp(data['boundary'], data['boxes_aligned'][order], data['types'][order],data['doors'],data['windows']) # vector floorplan with doors and windows
plt.savefig('./output/'+f, bbox_inches='tight')
I need to transform A --> B
Is there another way to do this process?
Ricardo Rodrigues commented
it seems that the code I edited was making my computer run out of memory, so it failed to allocate bitmap
a simple plt.close()
at the end of the code solved the issue