zzdjk6 / Groot

Self-hosted music platform

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Groot is a software that hosts and serves your music files on the cloud just like other online music services, but allow you to build a self-hosted platform.

Why I build it?

I encountered two problems in my life:

  1. My favorite online music service stopped serving me because I am oversea (IP issues: they limit the service according to my IP address due to Intellectual Property reason).
  2. The online service platform removes songs now and then. After I add some music into my playlist, it becomes unavailable after several months.

These two problems stop me from enjoying music online. But I enjoy the experience when there is an online platform, so I decided to build one by myself. If you are under the same situation, this project is for you too :)

By the way, this is a side project to practice some new skills that may be required by my next job, so I didn't choose some of the mainstream techniques that I am already familiar with.

Notice: This is still a project under WIP stage, but welcome to use it anyway :)


Web Player



Add a song

You can choose to extract information included in the mp3 file.



Batch upload

After a batch upload job is created, the program will start to extract information from mp3 files under background. You may refresh the page to see the progress.




Development & Deployment

Tech stack

  • Backend: SilverStripe 4
  • API: GraphQL
  • Web: React + Redux + Bootstrap 4

Deploy with Docker

1. Install Docker

see: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/

2. Setup a MySQL instance (either set it locally or use AWS RDS or other services)

3. Clone the repo

$ git clone git@github.com:zzdjk6/Groot.git
$ cd Groot

4. Build and run Docker container (Nginx + PHP-FPM 7.2)

you can choose your port instead of sticking to 80

$ sudo docker build -t groot-build ./dockerfile/ 

$ sudo docker run \
-it \
--rm \
-d \
-p 80:80 \
-v "$PWD":/var/www/project:delegated \
--name groot-build  \

$ sudo docker exec -it groot-build /bin/bash

5. Setup environment and install dependencies

$ cd /var/www/project

$ php ./composer.phar install

$ cp ./.env.example ./.env

$ nano .env

6. Fix permission issues

$ chown -R www-data ./ 

$ chgrp -R www-data ./ 

$ chmod -R 777 ./

7. Run services

$ service nginx start

$ service php7.2-fpm start

8. Build database schema and tables

Open browser and navigate to http://<your ip or domain name>:<your port>/dev/build?flush=1

9. Enjoy

Navigate to http://<your ip or domain name>:<your port>/main and enjoy!

Deploy manually

  1. Check server requirements by visiting http://<your ip or domain name>:<your port>/install.php
  2. A template Nginx config file can be found in https://docs.silverstripe.org/en/4/getting_started/installation/how_to/configure_nginx.
  3. If you want to use Apache, be sure to let it pass Authorization correctly. See Firesphere/silverstripe-graphql-jwt#15.


Self-hosted music platform


Language:JavaScript 76.0%Language:PHP 20.6%Language:Scheme 2.0%Language:HTML 0.7%Language:CSS 0.6%Language:Shell 0.1%