zytzagoo / smtp-validate-email

A PHP library for performing email addresses validation via SMTP

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Validator is no longer works correctly

adammokhlisse opened this issue · comments

ive been testing your Script and the issue i have faced is in the script it self i think id dont respond correctly to hotmail emails.
array(2) { ["o.imejad@hotmail.com"]=> bool(true) ["domains"]=> array(1) { ["hotmail.com"]=> array(2) { ["users"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(8) "o.imejad" } ["mxs"]=> array(6) { ["hotmail-com.olc.protection.outlook.com"]=> int(2) ["mx3.hotmail.com"]=> int(5) ["mx2.hotmail.com"]=> int(5) ["mx1.hotmail.com"]=> int(5) ["mx4.hotmail.com"]=> int(5) ["hotmail.com"]=> int(0) } } } }
as Seen it respond as its true but when i send s simple email i get respond like this .
Remote Server returned '550 5.5.0 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable.'"
how can you justify this issue . i lock forward to hear your answer.

The SMTP server says the address exists. That's as far as this kind of validation can take you.

Whether delivery to the mailbox works is another issue (and could be only temporary unavailable or deliberate/permanent, only Hotmail really knows...).

I get the same result as far as SMTP communication goes. I did not try sending an email manually to that random address (for what I'm hoping are obvious reasons...)

can you make it user friendly for non php programmers make it simple for usage
php validator.php list.txt validhere.txt

and in validator.php add links of smtp-email-validator.php
this should be really useful and more easy to work with bcz your script really hard on beginners.
its array into other array into other array .
but any way your still doing great job and big respect .

Nice work man, great job!!
But like already adam say before: the result is a complex array..
This not mean your script is bad !!
But if you make it better..