zyedidia / unionize

A tool for generating unions in Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can not update generated file after I use it. [chicken and egg problem]

bronze1man opened this issue · comments

This is a very good code generate library!

here is my code

package xxx

const (
	LogName_HttpMeta_Req = `HttpMeta_Req`
	LogName_HttpMeta_Resp = `HttpMeta_Resp` 
type LogItem struct {
	LogName string 

type logUnion_Template struct {
	HttpMeta_Req LogItem_HttpMeta_Req
	HttpMeta_Resp LogItem_HttpMeta_Resp
type LogItem_HttpMeta_Req struct{
	Method string
	Url string
	RemoteAddr string
	IsWebsocket bool
type LogItem_HttpMeta_Resp struct {
	ReqMethod string
	ReqUrl string
	ReqRemoteAddr string
	ReqIsWebsocket bool
	RespStatusCode int
  • Then I have get the bug:
xxxx/log.go:11:2: undeclared name: logUnion_TemplateUnion
exit status 1

I know it is a problem from golang.org/x/tools/go/packages / go/types.
I had fix this kind problem before.
I had implemented a go code parser and type parser(do not use go/ast , go/types).This library can skip all type not exist problem.
But the privated code generate library costs a lot of time to make it skip some golang new grammar after golang version update like type assertion or type generic.It may be good to have a open source library.
I will rewrite this library with my private code generate library. If you have some ideas to fix this problem with open source library, please let me know.

I know I can use parameter of pkg to solve this problem, But if you use a lot of code generate in your code, you will find it is hard to solve this kind of chicken and egg problem

It seems like if I ignore the error, then everything is still fine, so I have disabled the error, and it will only be shown if -warn is passed. Hopefully that should fix the issue.

Thanks, it works.
I just try this myself. And you did it the same way.
I will try golang.org/x/tools/go/packages in my library.