Please add support for bar cursor style
georgerabus opened this issue · comments
The current squared cursor is really inconvenient to type with. If for example I place the cursor at the beginning of a word and type something, the word will just get overridden instead of adding new letters. insert
button does not change the functioanlity of the curos. Any help?
Micro only moves the cursor that the terminal displays and does not change the style displayed by the terminal. It draws the cursor as a square if fakecursor
option is enabled, but the behavior that occurs in editing should not be affected no matter which cursor style is used.
I think it would be a bug if a whole word is overriden when just entering characters and nothing changes when pressing insert key, but I do not think the cause can be known with the information currently given. Can you please write the OS, terminal you are using, and specific steps on how you can reproduce it?
Hmm now that you mention I tried micro again and that didn't happen. It looks like it was a bug. Don't know how to reproduce it.
I am using arch, awesome wm, kitty terminal
It would not be a bug if this was done, but I just thought now that you may have selected a word by double clicking it. If not, it is possible that a plugin causes it so you may run micro -plugin list
(includes builtin plugins unlikely to be the cause) and post the output printed.
$ micro -plugin list
The following plugins are currently installed:
autoclose (1.0.0)
comment (1.0.0)
diff (1.0.0)
ftoptions (1.0.0)
linter (1.0.0)
literate (1.0.0)
status (1.0.0)
You mean if I double click a word and start typing? that erases the entire word the moment I type, nothing wrong with that. What I was refering is just positioning the cursor somewhere, doesnt matter where, I would type and it would just overwrite everything like a lawn mower. I saw this functionality in really old interfaces like turbo pascal where you would type something and it would be on top of everything.
I searched some yt videos of turbo pascal but everyone was using _ cursor type
I was not able to know the reason why multiple places would be overwritten with text that is entered, but someone else probably knows more. The cursor style still does not affect behavior in editing, but it is written in this section in kitty.conf
documentation that the cursor style is set as a beam in shells and block in other applications by default:
What I was refering is just positioning the cursor somewhere, doesnt matter where, I would type and it would just overwrite everything like a lawn mower.
Sounds like you just accidentally hit the Insert key. On the other hand, you also mentioned that hitting Insert again wasn't changing the behavior for you, so it's a mystery what caused it (especially if you can't reproduce it again).
Theoretically, some plugin could force the overwrite mode regardless of the Insert
key. But the list of plugins you posted includes only the standard micro's plugins which don't do anything like that.
Another theoretical possibility is that you have/had the Insert
key bound to some other action instead of its default ToggleOverwriteMode
action, so the Insert
key doesn't/didn't toggle the overwrite mode for you. Does the Insert
key work for you now?
...In any case, it has nothing to do with the cursor shape.
understood, it must have been a problem from other factors, outside micro.