zwicker-group / py-pde

Python package for solving partial differential equations using finite differences.

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File could not be opened for reading with mpi and FileStorage

yohad opened this issue · comments

Hello, I have a simulation I run with mpiexec -n 16 python

every other time I run it I get the error File data\storage-1108_191954\ could not be opened for reading from some of the mpi threads.

The code:

import numpy as np
import numba as nb
import pde
from import mpi
from pde.solvers import Controller, ExplicitMPISolver
import time

class ModelPDE(pde.PDEBase):
    def __init__(self, bc="auto_periodic_neumann", nu=10 / 3, eta=3.5, rho=0.95, gamma=50 / 3, delta_b=1 / 30,
                 delta_w=10 / 3, delta_h=1000 / 3, a=33.33, q=0.05, f=0.1, p=0.5):
        self._nu = nu
        self._eta = eta
        self._rho = rho
        self._gamma = gamma
        self._delta_b = delta_b
        self._delta_w = delta_w
        self._delta_h = delta_h
        self._a = a
        self._q = q
        self._f = f
        self._p = p

        self._bc = bc

    def _make_pde_rhs_numba(self, state):
        a = self._a
        q = self._q
        f = self._f
        eta = self._eta
        nu = self._nu
        rho = self._rho
        gamma = self._gamma
        delta_b = self._delta_b
        delta_w = self._delta_w
        delta_h = self._delta_h
        p = self._p

        laplace = state.grid.make_operator("laplace", bc=self._bc)
        div = state.grid.make_operator("divergence", bc=self._bc)
        grad = state.grid.make_operator("gradient", bc=self._bc)

        zeta = np.fromfunction(lambda x, _: x/32, state.grid.shape) # TODO: this is bad

        def pde_rhs(state_data, t):
            # state
            b = state_data[0]
            w = state_data[1]
            h = state_data[2]

            rate = np.empty_like(state_data)
            # Calculate constants
            I = a * (b + q * f) / (b + q)  # Infiltration Rate
            L2 = np.float_power(1 + eta * b, 2)
            Gb = nu * w * L2
            Gw = gamma * b * L2

            # Calculate time derivatives
            rate[0] = Gb * b * (1 - b) - b + delta_b * laplace(b)
            rate[1] = I * h - nu * (1 - rho * b) * w - Gw * w + delta_w * laplace(w)

            J = -2*delta_h*h*grad(h+zeta)
            rate[2] = p - I * h - div(J)

            return rate

        return pde_rhs

    def evolution_rate(self, state: pde.FieldBase, t: float = 0) -> pde.FieldBase:
        b = state[0]
        w = state[1]
        h = state[2]

        zeta = np.fromfunction(lambda x, _: x/32, state.grid.shape) # TODO: this is bad

        # Calculate constants
        I = self._a * (b + self._q * self._f) / (b + self._q)  # Infiltration Rate
        L2 = np.float_power(1 + self._eta * b, 2)
        Gb = self._nu * w * L2
        Gw = self._gamma * b * L2

        # Calculate time derivatives
        b_t = Gb * b * (1 - b) - b + self._delta_b * b.laplace(bc=self._bc)
        w_t = I * h - self._nu * (1 - self._rho * b) * w - Gw * w + self._delta_w * w.laplace(bc=self._bc)

        J = -2*self._delta_h*h *(h + zeta).gradient(bc=self._bc)
        h_t = self._p - I * h - J.divergence(bc=self._bc)

        return pde.FieldCollection([b_t, w_t, h_t])

def terrain(coords):
    return coords[:, :, 0] / 32

def main():
    shape = (128, 128)
    # grid = pde.UnitGrid([128, 128], periodic=[True, True])
    grid = pde.CartesianGrid([(0, 32), (0, 32)], shape, periodic=[True, False])
    b = pde.ScalarField(grid, 1)
    w = pde.ScalarField(grid, 0)
    h = pde.ScalarField(grid, 0)
    state = pde.FieldCollection([b, w, h])

    bc_x = "periodic"
    bc_y = [{"value": 0} ,{"curvature": 0}]
    bc = [bc_x, bc_y]

    years = 2

    t = time.localtime()
    timestamp = time.strftime("%m%d_%H%M%S", t)
    BACKUP_NAME = "data\storage-" + timestamp
    storage = pde.FileStorage(BACKUP_NAME, write_mode="append")

    eq = ModelPDE(p=0.4, bc=bc)

    solver = ExplicitMPISolver(eq, backend="numba")
    controller = Controller(solver, t_range=years, tracker=["progress", storage.tracker(1e-1)])
    sol =, dt=1e-4)
    if mpi.is_main:
        VIDEO_NAME = f"results\movie-{timestamp}.mp4", filename=VIDEO_NAME, plot_args={"vmin": 0, "vmax": 1})

if __name__ == '__main__':

Thank you for the report! I can't quite reproduce the problem, but given that you also don't see the problem all the time, this might not be surprising. In any case, I did not carefully check how the FileStorage interacts with the ExplicitMPISolver, so it is entirely possible that there are race conditions or other IO related problems.

To circumvent this, I just implemented a check that simply does not touch files unless we're on the main process. Could you please check whether the problem still occurs with the latest master branch?

This seems to have solved the problem, thanks 😄