zwicker-group / py-pde

Python package for solving partial differential equations using finite differences.

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User defined function inside numba accelerated PDE

SalvadorBrandolin opened this issue · comments

Can't resolve a system of partial differential equations with numba acelleration.

Going to solve PDE system
dCa/dt = - Fv * dCa/dV - k * Ca
dCb/dt = - Fv * dCb/dV + k * Ca

where the term k * Ca comes from a pre-defined user function.
The PDE system is implemented using a custom PDE class.
The resolution of the problem using the method evolution_rate(self, state, t=0) works (Code below).
Turn reactor.resolve(Numba=False), at the end, to not use numba.

Thank you very much! :)

from pde import (PDEBase, FieldCollection, CartesianGrid, ScalarField, 
                 ImplicitSolver, Controller
from import jit
from numba import njit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from pde import config

config['numba.debug'] = True
# =============================================================================
#  Clases
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class ReactiveSystem:
    def __init__(self, ks, inflows, reactions):
        self.ks = ks
        self.inflows = inflows
        self.reactions = reactions
        self.net_flow = sum(inflows)

    def react(self, state):
        return [
            r(self.ks, state) for r in self.reactions
    def __len__(self):        
        return len(self.reactions)

class ReactorSolver(PDEBase):
    def __init__(
        self, reactive_system, V, bcs,
        n_points=10, nt=10, t_end=10, t=0, max_it=1000, tol=1e-5
        # Number of reactives (hence, balances)
        self.n_reactives = len(reactive_system)

        # System dimension
        grid = CartesianGrid([[0, V]], n_points)
        states = [
            ScalarField(grid, data=0)
            for i in range(self.n_reactives)
        self.state = FieldCollection(states)

        # Border conditions
        self.bcs = bcs

        # Reactive system
        self.reactive_system = reactive_system

        # Time ranges
        self.nt = nt
        self.t_end = t_end
        self.dt = t_end/nt

        # Solver tolerance
        self.max_iter = max_it
        self.tol = tol       
    def evolution_rate(self, state, t=0):
        # Agregué el índice cero en el gradiente, hay que indicar que es
        #  la derivada en X más allá de que sea la única variable

        # Calculate reaction rates
        n_reactions = len(self.reactive_system)
        ks = self.reactive_system.ks
        reactions = [
            react(ks, state) for react in self.reactive_system.reactions

        # Net flow (of course it shouldn't be like this)
        net_flow = self.reactive_system.net_flow

        # Whole balances
        system = [
            - net_flow * state[i].gradient(self.bcs[i])   # Flow balance
            + reactions[i]                                # Reactions
            for i in range(self.n_reactives)
        return FieldCollection(system)

    def _make_pde_rhs_numba(self, state):
        #attributes locally available

        #Net flow (this is bad implemented - supposed to be vol flow)
        net_flow = self.reactive_system.net_flow

        #Number of reactives
        n_reactives = len(self.reactive_system)

        #kinetic constans
        ks = self.reactive_system.ks

        #Reaction function of each compound

        reactions = [
            react(ks, state).data for react in self.reactive_system.reactions
        #Operands definition
        gradient_c = [
            state.grid.make_operator("gradient", bc=self.bcs[i]) for i 
            in range(n_reactives)

        def pde_rhs(state_data, t=0):
            """ compiled helper function evaluating right hand side """
            state_grad = []

            for i in range(n_reactives):
                gradient = gradient_c[i]

            #Reaction function of each compound
            """system = [
                - net_flow * state_grad[i]   # Flow balance
                + reactions[i]               # Reactions
                for i in range(n_reactives)

            system = []
            for i in range(n_reactives):
                system.append(- net_flow * state_grad[i])
            return system

        return FieldCollection(pde_rhs)

    def resolve(self, numba = False):
        if numba == False:
            solver = ImplicitSolver(self, self.max_iter, self.tol, 
            controller = Controller(solver, t_range=self.t_end, 
            solver = ImplicitSolver(self, self.max_iter, self.tol, 
            controller = Controller(solver, t_range=self.t_end, 

# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
#  Planteo de problema
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Variables generales
kr = 1
t0 = 0
tf = 10
V = 1
Fv = 1
Ca0 = 1

# Definicion de sistema reactivo
rs = ReactiveSystem(
    inflows=[Fv, 0],
        lambda ks, concentrations: -ks[0] * concentrations[0],
        lambda ks, concentrations:  ks[0] * concentrations[0],        

# Border conditions
##  - x0 = CaO
##  - xf = dCa/dx = 0
bc_a = [
    {"value": Ca0},
    {"derivative": 0}
bc_b = [
    {"value": 0},
    {"derivative": 0}

# Reactor
reactor = ReactorSolver(
    bcs=[bc_a, bc_b],
    n_points = 100,
    nt = 1000,
# ==============================================================================

results = reactor.resolve(numba=True)


I'm not sure what issue you're reporting. What is the expected behavior and what error are you seeing?

If you've a question about how to use py-pde, you might want to post in the discussion forum.

The error obtained from the code above is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/mnt/g/Mi unidad/pde_testing/", line 193, in
results = reactor.resolve(numba=True)
File "/mnt/g/Mi unidad/pde_testing/", line 144, in resolve
File "/home/salvadorbrandolin/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pde/solvers/", line 164, in run
stepper = self.solver.make_stepper(state=state, dt=dt)
File "/home/salvadorbrandolin/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pde/solvers/", line 85, in make_stepper
rhs = self._make_pde_rhs(state, backend=self.backend)
File "/home/salvadorbrandolin/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pde/solvers/", line 117, in _make_pde_rhs
rhs = self.pde.make_pde_rhs(state, backend=backend)
File "/home/salvadorbrandolin/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pde/pdes/", line 239, in make_pde_rhs
rhs = self._make_pde_rhs_numba_cached(state)
File "/home/salvadorbrandolin/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pde/pdes/", line 206, in _make_pde_rhs_numba_cached
rhs = self._make_pde_rhs_numba(state)
File "/mnt/g/Mi unidad/pde_testing/", line 130, in _make_pde_rhs_numba
return FieldCollection(pde_rhs)
File "/home/salvadorbrandolin/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pde/fields/", line 68, in init
if len(fields) == 0:
TypeError: object of type 'CPUDispatcher' has no len()

the expected behavior is that the problem can be solved with numba accelerated PDE as explained in the documentation:

In the PDE custom class, the evolution_rate() method is defined to solve the PDE without numba, and works.

Also the method _make_pde_rhs_numba() is defined, and the numba solver doesn't work.

Thank you

This does not seem to be an issue in py-pde, but you're for some reason trying to construct a FieldCollection with a function (pde_rhs) as an argument on line 130. I don't know what you're trying to achieve and thus unfortunately cannot help you.

Ok, thank you