zwdzwd / transvar

TransVar - multiway annotator for precision medicine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

transvar does not process hgvs expressions for inversions?

DavidTamborero opened this issue · comments

hi - in case this is checked by the developers, we are using a lot TransVar as it is such a great tool! all the praise for Wanding!

So - an issue that we recently found is that -unless we are doing something wrong- it seems that TransVar does not process inversions (ie it returns an empty result), for instance:

$ transvar ganno -i 'X:g.32386323_32386325inv' --ensembl --gseq
input transcript gene strand coordinates(gDNA/cDNA/protein) region info CHROM POS REF ALT

is there a solution for that?

thanks in advance!