zwdzwd / sesame

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could not find function "SigSetsToRGChannelSet"

yyuu33nn opened this issue · comments

help, im trying to convert SigSet to RGset , however i keep getting such message:

> SigSetsToRGChannelSet(betas_list, BPPARAM = SerialParam(), annotation = NA)
Error in SigSetsToRGChannelSet(betas_list, BPPARAM = SerialParam(), annotation = NA) : 
  could not find function "SigSetsToRGChannelSet"
> View(sdfs)
> SigSetsToRGChannelSet(betas_list)
Error in SigSetsToRGChannelSet(betas_list) : 
  could not find function "SigSetsToRGChannelSet"

and when i check > exists("SigSetsToRGChannelSet", where = getNamespace("sesame"))
i got a :

what i have done: remove all RData and reinstall the latest bioconductor and zwdzwd/sesame.
able to read and preprocess the sigset.

Im trying to access the EPIC V2 Chip data, so i can input it into my epigenetic clock pipelines and calculate the age.
following is my full code:

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install("zwdzwd/sesame", force=TRUE)

exists("SigSetsToRGChannelSet", where = getNamespace("sesame"))

tools::R_user_dir("ExperimentHub", which="cache")

# Define the path to the IDAT files
idat_path <- "/Mypath_to_IDATs"

# Search for IDAT prefixes in the specified path
idat_prefixes <- searchIDATprefixes(idat_path)

# Read each IDAT pair using lapply and the readIDATpair function
sdfs <- lapply(idat_prefixes, readIDATpair)

# To check the output
# Apply the head function to the first few elements of the list to view their contents
lapply(sdfs[1:8], head)

# Preprocessing function for IDAT files
process_idat_files <- function(data) {
  # No need to read IDAT files here, 'data' is already loaded by 'readIDATpair'
  data <- qualityMask(data)
  data <- inferInfiniumIChannel(data)
  data <- dyeBiasNL(data)
  data <- pOOBAH(data)
  betas <- getBetas(noob(data))

# Apply the corrected preprocessing function to each loaded IDAT pair in sdfs
betas_list <- lapply(sdfs, process_idat_files)

# To see the beta values for the first few probes of the first sample

SigSetsToRGChannelSet(betas_list, BPPARAM = SerialParam(), annotation = NA)

Sorry, I am a bit confused, the input to SigDFsToRGChannelSet should be a list of SigDF. No need to process it to beta values. Whether to apply any preprocessing depends on need.

Dear Wanding,

however when we wish to proceed with the list of SigDF, the Function had failed.

or code,
really appreciate if we can have your input here. :

+   if (is(sdfs, 'SigDF')) {
+     sdfs <- list(sample=sdfs)
+   }
+   pt <- sdfPlatform(sdfs[[1]])
+   annotation <- guessMinfiAnnotation(pt, annotation)
+   ss_all <- bplapply(sdfs, SigDFToRGChannel, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
+   rgset <- minfi::RGChannelSet(
+, lapply(ss_all, function(ss) ss$grn)), 
+, lapply(ss_all, function(ss) ss$red)), 
+     annotation=c(
+       array=unname(platformSmToMinfi(pt)),
+       annotation=annotation))
+ }
> SigDFsToRGChannelSet(sdfs)
Error: BiocParallel errors
  1 remote errors, element index: 1
  7 unevaluated and other errors
  first remote error:
Error in InfI(sdf): could not find function "InfI"
Called from: .bpinit(manager = manager, X = X, FUN = FUN, ARGS = ARGS, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, 

Hi, I am also struggling with Sesamize/RGChannelSetToSigDFs. Your contributions to Sesame are invaluable, and I would be grateful for your assistance with this issue. Thank you for all the work you've done.

grSet <- RGChannelSetToSigDFs(FlowSorted.Blood.450k[,1:4])
Error: BiocParallel errors
1 remote errors, element index: 1
3 unevaluated and other errors
first remote error:
Error in chipAddressToSignal(dm, manifest): could not find function "chipAddressToSignal"

approach according to vignette

grSet <- sesamize(FlowSorted.Blood.450k[,1:4])
Sesamizing 1...
Sesamizing 1...
Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) :
unable to find an inherited method for function ‘mapToGenome’ for signature ‘"matrix"’

Formal class 'RGChannelSet' [package "minfi"] with 6 slots...