zurb / responsive-tables

Tables that work responsively on small devices.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

More control over first column width needed

MarcusJT opened this issue · comments

Viewing the examples (on FF12) it seems that the first column can sometimes be unnecessarily wide given the content it contains, which in turn reduces the space available for the scrollable columns.

I suggest instead that there should be a way of specifying a max width (via a data- attribute?) so that if all the content is shorter then it should shrink to the narrowest possible width, or otherwise wrap at the max width.

Or would the above be the default behaviour anyway if a max-width was specified for the column via CSS? If so please update the examples to demonstrate this, as at present they don't.

I found a similar problem: on the sample page, when the screen is not very wide, the first column of the first table does not receive the same js helps that the other columns receive. It makes it seem like the first column are headers (or side headers?) for each row, which they in some cases might be the case (the example page is not one of them).

Anybody come up with a solution for this? I'm having the same issue where the first column is overly wide in some cases, and not wide enough in others.

The first column just disappears instead of scrolling. What is the solution for this?