ztzhang / GoProWifiCommand

Gopro wifi command hack---a sniff result of Gopro App . The Json file can be used as a Gopro control API. Simply connect to yout Gopro hotspot and send the corresponding http request to control it via Wifi. Only Tested for Hero4.

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How to set date and time

phlegx opened this issue · comments

Any idea how to set date and time?

Good Question! I do find a command to set time and date, but haven't got time to test it. I will add it later.

Referring to joshvillbrandt/goprohero#5 , https://github.com/KonradIT/goprowifihack/blob/master/HERO4/gpControl-Hero4Silver.json#L2848 and some own captures on my mobile phone with the GoPro app setting the time for a Hero4, it works a as follows:

whereupon the numbers are hex-coded. So the above command sets time to %11= (20)17, %0b=11 => November, ...

Her also a short bash script to do so:


TIME_STRING=$(printf "%%%02x%%%02x%%%02x%%%02x%%%02x%%%02x" $(date +%y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S | sed 's/_/ /g'))

curl "${TIME_STRING}"

For the C++ guys:

char time_string[18];
auto t = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto tm = std::localtime(&t);

std::sprintf(time_string, "%%%02x%%%02x%%%02x%%%02x%%%02x%%%02x", tm->tm_year % 100, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);

curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, "" + std::string(time_string));

Alternative command:
TIME_STRING=$(printf '%%%02x' $(date +'%_y %_m %_d %_H %_M %_S'))