ztellman / automat

better automata through combinators

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Using AOT with clojurescript dependency throws ClassCastException

tangrammer opened this issue · comments

Hi @ztellman just updating this problem in a clean and separate issue


  • adding org.clojure/clojurescript dependency and :aot :all with ztellman/automat throws error when executing standalone jar
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.Var$Unbound cannot be cast to clojure.lang.MultiFn

example code


I've checked that the problem arises when a namespace that contains references to automat classes is included in AOT directly or indirectly ...
Please, could anyone point me where the root of this issue lives so i could ask in the proper place?
thanks in advance

I have the same problem. Investigating now. @tangrammer if you have any further information since your last post, please let us know. 😄

I'm sorry that I can't be much help here, the whole CLJS ecosystem is a bit of a mystery to me. I'll call @domkm to this thread, though, since he's to blame for the CLJS portion of this library.

The result of my proposed fix #69 is available here, if anyone wants to test it themselves in an AOT project that also uses CLJS:

[org.clojars.cemerick/automat "0.2.3-SNAPSHOT"]

Hi @cemerick sorry but I don't have more information around this issue.
Hope you have more tools to try to fix it!