ztellman / automat

better automata through combinators

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Compilation error in Clojure 1.8?

fasiha opened this issue · comments

[automat "0.1.3"] in project.clj's dependencies. When I lein repl and try to require view, I see:

user=> (require '[automat.viz :refer (view)])

CompilerException java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: IllegalName: compile__stub.automat.fsm.automat.fsm/State, compiling:(automat/fsm.clj:18:1)

Really sorry if this is a known problem, I tried googling and poking around github, but can't find anything, and am super-excited to try it!

Try this: #35
It seems to work

As @huahaiy suggested automat was ported to support clojure 1.7 and 1.8.

Please use below in your project.clj

[org.clojars.semperos/automat "0.2.0-alpha3"]