ztellman / automat

better automata through combinators

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Inconsistency with Char

dryewo opened this issue · comments

How to reproduce:

=> (a/advance (a/compile [\A]) nil \A)

ClassCastException java.lang.Character cannot be cast to java.lang.Number  automat.stream/to-stream/reify--19385 (stream.clj:70)

While this of course works:

=> (a/advance (a/compile [1]) nil 1)

And even this:

=> (a/advance (a/compile [\A]) nil 65)

Is there any fundamental reason for chars are mandatorily converted to ints when compilation happens?

This was to allow for regex-style compiled representations, where each code point is an index into an array. However, I agree that this is confusing, and should be an optional flag, if it continues at all.

pdf.ql.text> (a/advance (a/compile [\A]) nil \A)
{:accepted? true, :checkpoint nil, :state-index 1, :start-index 0, :stream-index 1, :value nil}

The char FSM no longer accepts the int input, which is good.

The seq impl of to-stream has a separate issue that I might raise later, but I think this can be closed (same goes for #30).

Thanks, I haven't cleaned up the issues here in a while.