zouqinxiang / vim-colorschemes

one colorscheme pack to rule them all!

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vim colorschemes

One stop shop for vim colorschemes.

The original repo by flazz has been unmaintained since 2020.

This fork hopes to update/fix all the colorschemes, and remove outdated/buggy ones.

Currently I'm using submodules (in the /submodules dir) to allow easy updating of the colorscheme from their respective repos.

Many colorscheme repos has their palettes variables in declared in the /autoload dir, or has additional configs needed in their .vimrc. Thus I've created a script /script/generate_color_files_from_submodules.sh to combine those additional configs into 1 file in the /colors dir.

  • If you wanna help out, just drop me a Pull Request or Issue or contact me somehow, I'm still pretty new to Github.

  • If there's a colorscheme that needs updating, or a colorscheme that should be removed, just let me know.


one colorscheme pack to rule them all!


Language:Vim Script 100.0%Language:Shell 0.0%