zouhir / jarvis

A very intelligent browser based Webpack dashboard

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Rename CSS variables and put under theme folder

zouhir opened this issue · comments

variables Sass folder should have all the theme colour variations

config Sass file should map the theme variables to Jarvis specific variable names we use, I know sounds complicated but to explained further:

// variables.scss
// Belongs to the theme author not me
// Can have whatever names you want
// Go crazy

$sky-blue-aqua-color: #ccccc;
$tomato-red-error: #0f0f0f;
// config.scss
// Is what Jarvis uses
// Please map your theme colours to our colours here

@import 'theme-fantastic/variables.scss';

$color-dashboard-bg: $sky-blue-aqua-color;

I don't really know sass, but I'd love to contribute (I can learn it). I can take this issue.

is this issue still open?


zouhir rather busy nowadays I suppose