zoonru / puphpeteer

A Puppeteer bridge for PHP, supporting the entire API.

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CdpPage.querySelector is not a function

meyer59 opened this issue · comments


Describe the bug
"__rialto_error__":true,"message":"Error: CdpPage.querySelector is not a function
When retrieving a browser instance, the querySelector method is not found.
As i can see the launch() method return a BasicResource instead of a Page which contains those methods.
It seems like the same bug as #8 which has been closed without helping infos.

Reproducible example

use Nesk\Puphpeteer\Puppeteer;

 $options = [
            'args'                => [
            'log_browser_console' => true,
            'log_node_console'    => false,
            'debug'               => false,
        $puppeteer = new Puppeteer($options);
        $browser = $puppeteer->launch([
            'headless'        => 'new',
            'defaultViewport' => ['width' => 1920, 'height' => 1080],

        $page = $browser->newPage();
        $page->querySelector("#available-methods"); //error is here

One potential fix that i found is that the regex which replace the CDP namespace should be ignoring the Case so the right class is called.
In: vendor/zoon/puphpeteer/src/PuppeteerProcessDelegate.php
Adding a i in the preg_replace('/^CDP/i', '', $className); seems to fix the issue. I can PR the fix, but since my knowledge of the package is limited i'm waiting for a confirmation from you end.

Environment (please complete the following information):
-Windows 10,

  • Node version: v20.11.1
  • PHP version 8.2

My Node package manager is:

  • NPM (10.2.4)
  • Yarn (specify the version)
  • Other (specify the name and version)