zoonooz / ZFTokenField

iOS custom view that let you add token view inside like NSTokenField

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Token textfield frame is shifted inward with empty placeholder

nassifbasheer opened this issue · comments


Thanks for the wonderful work you have done.

If the token's textfield placeholder text is empty , the textfiled x origin is shifted inwards. ie if i set the placeholder text empty , and i start editing the text field, the initial text are not visible not . But however if i set 11 spaces or any anything in the range of 11 as the placeholder , the initial text is visible (frame is not shifted) .

@nassifbasheer Did you found any workaround to use an empty placeholder?

@AlexNsbmr No , all i did was making a string of 11 spaces as placeholder tokenField.textField.placeholder = @" ";

@nassifbasheer Ok, thanks for your answer.