zonkyio / embedded-database-spring-test

A library for creating isolated embedded databases for Spring-powered integration tests.

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Zonky "initdb" file getting returning file not found

fx310ferreira opened this issue · comments

Using zonky the the database initdb script does not run it returns the following error:
./initdb: cannot execute: required file not found

I went to the directory, tried to run the file manually and got this error:
bash: ./initdb: cannot execute: required file not found

I have deleted the folder and retried several times.
What can i do to solve this?

There are some steps you can do:

  • what versions are you using? (embedded-database-spring-test, embedded-postgres, embedded-postgres-binaries)
  • what operating system?
  • have you checked whether the initdb file really exists or not?

Because the problem you are facing might be related to the following issue: zonkyio/embedded-postgres-binaries#75, which was caused by a missing library in PostgreSQL 14.10 binaries for the macOS platform.

The file exists I think the initdb script is trying to run some file that does not exist.
I am using NixOs

	testImplementation "io.zonky.test:embedded-database-spring-test:2.4.0"
	testImplementation "io.zonky.test:embedded-postgres:2.0.3"

I don't have the binaries

Actually, I have no experience with NixOs, so maybe the following questions might sound a little stupid.

  • Has it ever worked, or is this your first time using the library?
  • Does the problem affect all versions or just this specific one?
  • Are there any other clues in the log, besides the "required file not found" message?

I'm closing the issue, feel free to reopen it if the problem persists.