zonkyio / embedded-database-spring-test

A library for creating isolated embedded databases for Spring-powered integration tests.

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Highlight postgresql versions supported by the library.

swapy opened this issue · comments


While trying to go through the documentation I could not find what versions of postgresql are supported.

Can we highlight them.

Also any additional postgresql implementations should work like AWS Aurora postgres or AWS RDS and so on can be mentioned.
If tested against any provider/version can also be mentioned.

Thank you again for your efforts.

You can use any docker image (so any version of postgres) that is compatible with the official images of the supported databases. In case of postgres, the official docker image is https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres

It is mentioned in the second paragraph of the documentation related to the provider docker. If you think it would be useful to improve the documentation, help is welcome.

To change the version of postgres, use the following configuration property:


Thank you very much, that helps.