znck / grammarly

Grammarly for VS Code

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Grammarly login shows an error

martinszeltins opened this issue · comments

I am following the instructions to log into Grammarly on VSCode but I am getting this error (Linux, Ubuntu 20.04)


Request $/handleOAuthCallbackUri failed with message: Minified error #8: See https://developer.grammarly.com/docs/error-explainer...

Grammarly account or premium

Run grammarly.login or Grammarly: Login / Connect your account command to connect your Grammarly account.
Run grammarly.logout or Grammarly: Log out to disconnect your account.

I ran grammarly.login then I was redirected to the Grammarly login page and then I clicked on the "Continue" button and then this error showed up in my VSCode.

Same here.

+1 ... MacOS: shift+cmd+p, select "Login/connect to your account", follow the instructions and get the error.

Nothing in the output console, either

Same here.

Same here.

Same here.

I switched to the pre-release version and now it works.

Same here.

I switched to the pre-release version and now it works.

Tried pre-release. No error this time but still not logged in.

With the pre-release version, I get the following error when I shift+p - Check Text

[Error - 5:03:50 PM] Server initialization failed.
Error: Connection got disposed.
    at Object.dispose (c:\Users\DummyUser\.vscode\extensions\node_modules\.pnpm\vscode-jsonrpc@6.0.0\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\connection.js:1044:27)
    at Object.dispose (c:\Users\DummyUser\.vscode\extensions\node_modules\.pnpm\vscode-languageclient@7.0.0\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\common\client.js:73:35)
    at c:\Users\DummyUser\.vscode\extensions\node_modules\.pnpm\vscode-languageclient@7.0.0\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\common\client.js:2320:28
[Error - 5:03:50 PM] Starting client failed
Error: Connection got disposed.
    at Object.dispose (c:\Users\DummyUser\.vscode\extensions\node_modules\.pnpm\vscode-jsonrpc@6.0.0\node_modules\vscode-jsonrpc\lib\common\connection.js:1044:27)
    at Object.dispose (c:\Users\DummyUser\.vscode\extensions\node_modules\.pnpm\vscode-languageclient@7.0.0\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\common\client.js:73:35)
    at c:\Users\DummyUser\.vscode\extensions\node_modules\.pnpm\vscode-languageclient@7.0.0\node_modules\vscode-languageclient\lib\common\client.js:2320:28

I cannot login and cannot check text. This happens on a fresh copy of VSCode with only this extension installed.

I'm facing the same issue

Same problem here. When I open the URL from the error reported by the VS Code Extension, Grammarly website shows this:

Invalid oauth callback url: vscode://znck.grammarly/auth/callback?windowId=1

Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 10 58 43

This is the same as closed issue #323 . It seems to still be an issue.

I can confirm that switching to pre-release fixes the issue.

Yeah, I'm also having this issue.

This is the same as closed issue #323 . It seems to still be an issue.

That issue is about getting Error #7. Most people here seem to get Error #8:

Invalid oauth callback url: vscode://znck.grammarly/auth/callback?windowId=1

It looks like Grammarly has updated its APIs. I suspect this causes the login error.

One of the changes is

The oauth option is now specified at the top level as oauthRedirectUri.

Not sure if anyone is working on this, but I made a branch with a possible implementation for updating Grammarly SDK to 2.x in hopes of solving this issue and possibly others.

Linking a useful workaround found by @crmelchior in a different (duplicate?) issue:

#350 (comment)

After switching to 0.18.0, successfully logging in and switching back to release (0.22.1) version, I'm still logged in and everything seems to work fine.