zmxv / react-native-sound

React Native module for playing sound clips

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.Play method are being calling itself repeatedly after numerous calls

shubhammalvedev opened this issue · comments

🪲 Description

🪲 What is the observed behavior?
Playing some audio files 1 by 1 after playing 8-10 files .play method is calling itself repeatedly.

🪲 What is the expected behavior?
should play audios 1 after another after successfully played previous audio. i tried this scenario by using setintervals but was not reliable.

🪲 Please post your code:>{
        console.log('#527 after playing sound success-------->',success);
          this.setState({songCounter:this.state.songCounter+1, isPlaying:true})
        setTimeout(() => {
          console.log('#526 loadsound called');
        }, 100);}

💡 Does the problem have a test case?

💡 Possible solution

💡 Is there a workaround?

💡 If the bug is confirmed, would you be willing to create a pull request?

Is your issue with...

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Windows

Are you using...

  • React Native CLI (e.g. react-native run-android)
  • Expo
  • Other: (please specify)

Which versions are you using?

  • React Native Sound:
  • React Native:reflected
  • iOS: n/a
  • Android: reflected
  • Windows:n/a

Does the problem occur on...

  • [. ] Simulator
  • [ .] Device

If your problem is happening on a device, which device?

  • Device:samsung m42, android emulator