zloirock / core-js

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globalThis does not work with stable namespace

yuri-voloshyn opened this issue · comments

globalThis does not work with stable namespace (core-js/stable/global-this), only with full (core-js/full/global-this)

Version: 3.32.2

What do you mean by "does not work"?

core-js/stable/global-this imports core-js/es/global-this that imports core-js/modules/es.global-this that works as expected.

core-js/full/global-this adds only core-js/modules/esnext.global-this that also imports core-js/modules/es.global-this - for backward compatibility with core-js@<3.3.


Could you add a reproducible example?

Project to reproduce: https://github.com/yuri-voloshyn/core-js-issue-1290

Open build/index.html with Live Server

Open url in Safari 5.1

We will see the following messages in the console: https://github.com/yuri-voloshyn/core-js-issue-1290/blob/main/screenshot.jpg


In this example, in the bundle, require("core-js/stable/global-this") is just removed and not imported:

// ...
!function() {
console.log("stable",window.globalThis);function load_full(){__webpack_require__(6060);}load_full();console.log("full",window.globalThis);

I don't wanna dig into the reason, most likely it's related to your targets - anyway it's not a core-js issue.

Yes, I see that import is not included. But why? We have the same targets for both namespaces.

I don't know how react-app-rewired works with polyfills optimization, so at first glance, I can’t determine the reasons. It just removes this import at build. You could ask them.

I added react-app-rewired to the example just to disable optimization, the same behavior is observed without it.

If it happens with @babel/preset-env, ask here: https://github.com/babel/babel-polyfills - I don't know what else could remove this import.

The correct output should be

// ...
!function() {
__webpack_require__(9758);console.log("stable",window.globalThis);function load_full(){__webpack_require__(6060);}load_full();console.log("full",window.globalThis);

and in this case, everything works fine.