zlmzju / part_reid

Code for ICCV2017 paper: Deeply-Learned Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-Identification

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train shell script

ittefaq11 opened this issue · comments

From the readme - it seems that the train.sh script is missing in the train folder. I am looking for if it is possible to get the training script for replicating and improving by tuning hyperparameters.

The script name was start.sh, sorry for the typo. I have changed the file name to train.sh.

Thanks @zlmzju for the reply. The train.sh seems to look for run*.sh in $dataset/$expname could not find a relevant folder in you google drive dataset in Market* folder. Also unable to see a run.sh and run_partnet.bat in shell mode. It would be helpful to get info on above to get a training session.

@ittefaq11 , the $dataset/$expname/run*.sh will be generated by running the train.sh script.

I got the error "" AttributeError: 'LayerParameter' object has no attribute 'triplet_loss_param' ""