zk4 / coge

Duplicate your work space !

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How can I reuse existing project or file as a template source effectively?


template sources:

  1. folder
  2. file
  3. content


  1. template just normal file or folder.
  2. respect .gitignore.
  3. support github.com repo.
  4. lifecycle hook should work in any language cause the template is created by myself.
  5. respect original keyword case in replacement.


pip3 install coge


cd js/react
coge -r .
cd <other_location>
coge js react oldkey:newkey @:destname

What coge does: copy COGE_TMPLS/js/react to other_location/destname, and replace any text that is oldkey to newkey, include file name, folder name, and content

COGE_TMPLS default is ~/.code_template

advanced tricks (optional)

customize template folder location

put this line in your ~/.bash_profile, and change the your_template_folder to the folder where you put your templates.

export COGE_TMPLS="<your_template_folder>"

work with fzf

cg () {
	eval `coge -c $@ | fzf --preview= --bind 'enter:execute-silent(pbcopy <<< {})+abort' ` && pbpaste

call cg from terminal. and paste it.

hook script

you can put .coge.after.sh in you template folder.

It will execute after copy, which is very handy.

For Safety reason. Template from network would need to use -s option to enforcing script executing, only if you know the script is safe.

Supported timing and language:



Ex: put .coge.after.sh in your source template

echo "init your git repo"
git init

interactive keyword replacements

Sometimes we do not remember what the string we should repalce, put a .coge.json in your template project. coge would respect this json file to verify all replacements. It is just a array with two types, map or string. all elements in the array must be fullfilled when doing the replacements. If some strings to be replaced are missed in the command line. Coge would automatically prompt up for user to supply.

I think the configuration explains for itself.

   "key": "cli",
   "desc": "this is blala"


usage: coge [-h] [-b BRANCH] [-l] [-c] [-r LINK_TARGET] [-R UNLINK_TARGET]
            [-s] [-d DEPTH] [-v]
            [magic ...]

       make template link : cd x-engine-module-template && coge -r
             use template : coge x-engine-module-template xxxx:camera @:x-engine-module-camera
use git template from net : coge https://www.github.com/vitejs/vite \bvite\b:your_vite @:your_vite

positional arguments:
  magic                 newkey:oldkey or @:folder_name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
  -l, --list            list folders
  -c, --cmd             cmd
  -r LINK_TARGET, --link_target LINK_TARGET
                        link target to $COGE_TMPLS, target must be a relative folder / file
                        unlink target to $COGE_TMPLS, target must be a relative folder / file
  -s, --script_from_net
                        alllow script from net
  -d DEPTH, --depth DEPTH
                        list depth
  -v, --version         version


Duplicate your work space !


Language:Python 88.8%Language:Makefile 7.8%Language:JavaScript 3.4%