zk00006 / OpenTLD

OpenTLD is an open source library for real-time 2D tracking of a single object in video. This repository is no longer under development. For latest version see: http://www.tldvision.com/tld2.html

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Invalid MEX-file: lk.mexw64: The specified module could not be found.

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After following the installation instructions and running the compile.m successfully. I tried to run run_TLD.m and this error happens :

Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Users\myname\Documents\GitHub\OpenTLD\mex\lk.mexw64': The specified module could not be found.

Error in tldInit (line 20)

Error in tldExample (line 34)
tld = tldInit(opt,[]); % train initial detector and initialize the 'tld' structure

Error in run_TLD (line 42)
[bb,conf] = tldExample(opt);

Please advise on this as I have search google and everything for help. The best I got was that that this will happen if I dont have the neccessary dlls that the mex file requires. Please help!!


I'm having the same issue. It seems that the way to do it is by using the 32-bit MATLAB, which has come up as a solution, but I'm not willing to accept that, and 32-bit MATLAB is refusing to install on my PC anyway :P. Will comment back here if I figure anything out.

I see this message was made 4 months ago. If you happened to figure it out, please get back to me asap. I'm using OpenTLD as a bridge for some of my research and would like to get it working properly and completely stable.

Much appreciated.

EDIT: So far I've come across a problem while using Dependency Walker, which shows that libmx.dll and libmex.dll seem to be missing out of the dependencies for lk.mexw64. I have found these files, but the *.lib versions of them, and do not know how to go about compiling them for this particular case. As it stands, there seems to be a way of applying it to a Linker Input of some kind through MSVC2010 and having it run through as part of the dependencies, but I have not been successful in this endeavour.

If anyone with more experience could help, it would be amazing.
Thanks in advance.