zk00006 / OpenTLD

OpenTLD is an open source library for real-time 2D tracking of a single object in video. This repository is no longer under development. For latest version see: http://www.tldvision.com/tld2.html

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Track multiple objects

deamonize opened this issue · comments

I was wondering how difficult it would be to track multiple objects, within the same instance..

Does anybody have any hints on the best way to do this ?

Hi! We did this as part of a student project! See https://github.com/evilsantabot/motld.
Some of the calculations (like the variance and then the ferns' feature vectors in the sliding window approach) can be easily reused for each single object. However, all object's boxes must have the same aspect ratio for this to work.

This is awesome !! Thanks, i'm testing now and it actually works ..

Hi, I'm interested in testing out your project to track multiple objects, in particular to the 'camExample'. I have faced some problems in getting the project running. Are there any pre-configurations needed to link TLD?

Error 1 error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'cv.h': No such file or directory d:\fyp\visual\multiple object testout\multiple object testout\multiple object.cpp 38 1 Multiple Object Testout
2 IntelliSense: cannot open source file "cv.h" d:\fyp\visual\multiple object testout\multiple object testout\multiple object.cpp 38 1 Multiple Object Testout
3 IntelliSense: cannot open source file "highgui.h" d:\fyp\visual\multiple object testout\multiple object testout\multiple object.cpp 39 1 Multiple Object Testout
4 IntelliSense: cannot open source file "motld/MultiObjectTLD.h" d:\fyp\visual\multiple object testout\multiple object testout\multiple object.cpp 41 1 Multiple Object Testout
11 IntelliSense: expected a ')' d:\fyp\visual\multiple object testout\multiple object testout\multiple object.cpp 67 27 Multiple Object Testout
32 IntelliSense: expected a ')' d:\fyp\visual\multiple object testout\multiple object testout\multiple object.cpp 116 27 Multiple Object Testout
67 IntelliSense: expected a ')' d:\fyp\visual\multiple object testout\multiple object testout\multiple object.cpp 245 20 Multiple Object Testout

...... continue the list of errors

Hopefully, someone can enlighten me on this problem. All guidance are greatly appreciated

Thank you.


you need to link OpenCV and Highgui for the camExample to work.
Unfortunately, I don't have any experience running it under Windows / Visual Studio. If possible, I would recommend to complile it using the provided makefile ("make camexample") on a linux system with gcc. The needed OpenCV/Highgui packages for Ubuntu should be libhighgui-dev and libcv-dev, I think.

Good luck!

Hi evilsantabot,

Thank you for the reply. I don't have any experience with Ubuntu but I will try it out. Another query, based on the "README" file, the "Multi Object TLD" is executable on Windows platform, am I right to say that?

Thank you.

Hi evilsantabot, when I was testing camExample, some error occired:
1, error C2057: expected constant expression
2, error C2466: cannot allocate an array of constant size 0
3, rror C2133: 'img' : unknown size
and all of these seems from line 88.

I am highly appreciated if some suggestions provided.

@evilsantabot, I have been running your project on Visual Studio 2013 and using OpenCV 2.4.10. But the results are extremely slow and not at all real time. Can you please guide me on what might be going wrong. I have also enabled the /openmp flag in the project properties/


@freakbird make sure you are running it in Release mode (NOT Debug mode).

Thanks I want to test it in my ubuntu kylin which is respected to run better in real time frames.