zju3dv / neuralbody

Code for "Neural Body: Implicit Neural Representations with Structured Latent Codes for Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Humans" CVPR 2021 best paper candidate

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A question when train my own datasets

gushengbo opened this issue · comments

Hello, I get the camera params from ROMP, I want to know whether the cams['T'] from extri should multiplied by 1000?

def get_cams():
intri = cv2.FileStorage('intri.yml', cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ)
extri = cv2.FileStorage('extri.yml', cv2.FILE_STORAGE_READ)
cams = {'K': [], 'D': [], 'R': [], 'T': []}
for i in range(23):
cams['K'].append(intri.getNode('K_Camera_B{}'.format(i + 1)).mat())
intri.getNode('dist_Camera_B{}'.format(i + 1)).mat().T)
cams['R'].append(extri.getNode('Rot_Camera_B{}'.format(i + 1)).mat())
cams['T'].append(extri.getNode('T_Camera_B{}'.format(i + 1)).mat() * 1000)
return cams

You could check the unit of T.

If the unit is m, you need to multiply it by 1000.