zju3dv / neuralbody

Code for "Neural Body: Implicit Neural Representations with Structured Latent Codes for Novel View Synthesis of Dynamic Humans" CVPR 2021 best paper candidate

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Human 3.6 data for NeuralBody

Dipankar1997161 opened this issue · comments

Hello @pengsida,

I saw that you have given the configs for the h36m dataset. I was wondering, do you have the metadata from the smpl, mask, and images for the h36m dataset?

It would be great if you have even for a single h36m subject. Seeing that I can do for the rest of the subjects.

Also, have you trained NeuralBody on Human3.6 dataset?

Do let me know. Thank you.

The license of Human3.6M dataset does not allow us to distribute its data. https://github.com/zju3dv/animatable_nerf/blob/master/INSTALL.md#human36m-dataset