zju3dv / GIFT

Code for "GIFT: Learning Transformation-Invariant Dense Visual Descriptors via Group CNNs" NeurIPS 2019

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

what is "st_peters_12.txt"

XuYifan98 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for sharing your code.
I try to reproduce your results, I found in the demo there are some .txt files "st_peters_.txt". l did not find a way to generate them.
I will be appreciated if you inform me how to generate such files for different images.

Thank you in advance.

Hi, thanks for your injterest.
This file is generated from the YFCC100M dataset, "K" means 3x3 intrinsic matrix and "R" means relative rotation matrix.
Evaluation metrics like the AUC used in SuperGlue and LoFTR would be more accurate.

Hi, thanks for your injterest. This file is generated from the YFCC100M dataset, "K" means 3x3 intrinsic matrix and "R" means relative rotation matrix. Evaluation metrics like the AUC used in SuperGlue and LoFTR would be more accurate. https://github.com/zju3dv/LoFTR/blob/94e98b695be18acb43d5d3250f52226a8e36f839/src/utils/metrics.py#L12
Hello, I also have some confusion about the generation of this *.txt file. If I am testing with my own data set, what should my *.txt file say, which are camera internal parameters and rotation matrix of two images respectively?