zixinz990 / MurpheyLab.github.io

Interactive and Emergent Autonomy Lab Website

Home Page:https://murpheylab.github.io/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

To edit the website

Step 0: Clone repo and install necessary packages

Note: this is only done once.

  1. On your local machine, use the terminal to navigate to wherever you want to store your local version of the website. Then:
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
git clone https://github.com/MurpheyLab/MurpheyLab.github.io

This will update and upgrade your system, and then create a new folder on your device containing the latest version of the website. The new folder will be named MurpheyLab.github.io.

  1. Next, navigate to this new folder and install bundler
cd ~/MurpheyLab.github.io
sudo gem install bundler
bundle install
  1. If you get an error "while installing commonmarker" you might need to install additional libraries (zlib and ruby-dev) and then attempt bundle installation again. For MAC users, visit https://sourabhbajaj.com/mac-setup/Ruby/README.html and follow the steps there. If you did not get any errors, skip this part.
sudo apt install zlib1g
sudo apt install ruby-dev
bundle install
  1. Now you can create a local version of the website:
bundle exec jekyll serve

If you go to the website in your browser, you will see a local version of the site.

  1. To make sure it's working, open MurpheyLab.github.io/people/YOURNAME using your favorite text editor and change YOUR NAME in line 5 to say something else. Save the file and refresh You should see the header of the page change.

Step 1: Pull repo

From now on, every time you want to edit the website you will first have to pull whatever changes other people have made. To do this, navigate to your local folder and pull:

cd ~/MurpheyLab.github.io
git pull

This command incorporates changes from the remote (online) repository into your (local) branch.

Step 2: Make changes

You may now add publications, edit your people page, add news posts, etc. See below sections for specifics on how to make these kinds of changes. If you want to make more structural changes to the website, please make your own branch to test things out. We can merge them later when the lab agrees to the bigger changes.

To add a new project, make sure you add a new entry in both "projects.html" and "project.html".

Step 3: Preview locally

Use the command bundle exec jekyll serve and go to on your browser to view a local copy of the website. This allows you to see how your changes will look before making them public.

Step 4: Commit changes

To save the current state of your version of the website, add and commit your edits:
git add . adds all changes in the folder
git add FILENAME.txt adds all changes in a specific file

Then commit the changes using git commit -m "DESCRIBE CHANGES" to commit changes and add a description of the changes you made.

Step 5: Push changes

To make your changes to the actual, public website, push them to the remote repository using:
git push origin master

Now everyone can see them and the website will be publicly updated. If you get an error on this step, someone else may have pushed after you last pulled. To fix this, git stash your changes, and talk to Katie or Ian.

To add a pdf and update pdf metadata:

  1. Add your pdf to your local copy of the website by placing it in the folder ~/MurpheyLab.github.io/pdfs.
  2. Check that your pdf has a title, author, and keywords by looking at the document properties either by right-clicking the file or using a pdf viewer. There are a number of applications that can be used to update metadata. An optional method is described below.
  3. If you do not have pdftk already installed, use sudo apt-get install pdftk.
  4. Navigate to the pdfs subfolder and run pdftk mypaper.pdf dump_data output report.txt.
  5. Open report.txt in a text editor and add the following lines
InfoKey: Title
InfoValue: The title of your paper goes here
InfoKey: Author
InfoValue: your name, your coauthors name, your other coauthors name
InfoKey: Subject
InfoValue: 160 characters or less describing your paper. Try to include keywords for indexing
InfoKey: Keywords
InfoValue: keyword1, keyword2

Keep in mind the keywords are used by google like html metatags, so these may not be the exact keywords your list in your paper. However, they are VISIBLE to anyone who downloads your paper, so keep that in mind as you choose keywords.

  1. Now you will create a new pdf in some other directory using pdftk mypaper.pdf update_info report.txt output otherdir/mypaper.pdf.

  2. Replace the original file with the file generated in otherdir/mypaper.pdf.

  3. Use git add to add your pdf to the repository. Note: As long as you used the name report.txt and it was generated in the directory pdfs, it will be ignored by git. If you used a different name/dir, please make sure you do not add this to the changes staged for commit.

To add a publication:

  1. Add a publication to publications.html in the format:
<br>AUTHORS (first initial, last name)
<br><i>JOURNAL/CONFERENCE</i>, DETAILS, YEAR. <a href="/pdfs/URL.pdf">PDF</a> <a href="/videos/URL.mp4">Video</a></p>

Replace TITLE, AUTHORS, JOURNAL/CONFERENCE, DETAILS, YEAR, and URLs, with the correct information.
2. If there is no pdf, replace pdfs/URL.pdf with a link to the publication and replace the display text PDF with Paper.
3. If there is no video, delete the entire <a ... </a> surrounding VIDEO.
4. Add the publication to the associated Project pages, the People pages of each author, and the Recent Publications list on the home page, by copying and pasting.
- On each of these pages, ensure that the path to the pdf or video is accurate. For example, adding a pdf to a People page requires changing the path to ../pdfs/URL.pdf
5. See other publications in publications.html for reference.

To add a news post:

  1. Create a new post by making a copy of _posts/YYYY-MM-DD-TEMPLATE.md in the _posts folder
  2. Change the title (line 3)
  3. Change the date (line 4), keeping it in YYYY-MM-DD format
  4. Add an image (line 7, optional)
    • IMAGE_PATH is the path to the image (e.g., /images/griff.jpg)
    • ALT_TEXT is text that will show if the image doesn't load
    • CAPTION_TEXT is text that will show when mouse hovers over image
  5. add text (line 11)
  6. See other posts in the _posts folder for reference.

If you have questions, contact Muchen.


Interactive and Emergent Autonomy Lab Website



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