zio / zio-http

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Support for Streaming of Data Part of Multipart Form Fields

khajavi opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
The current implementation allows streaming for form fields on the server side. However, there is a need to stream the body part of each form field individually without waiting for the entire form data to be received from the client.

To Reproduce

  1. Run the provided server-side code.
  2. Use the provided client-side code to send a multipart form with binary fields to the server.
  3. Observe that the server waits for the entire form data to be received from the client, before processing them.
import zio._
import zio.http._
import zio.stream.{ZSink, ZStream}

object MultipartFormDataStreaming extends ZIOAppDefault {
  def logBytes = (b: Byte) => ZIO.log(s"received byte: $b")

  private val app: HttpApp[Any] =
      Method.POST / "upload-stream" / "simple"     -> handler { (req: Request) =>
        for {
          count <- req.body.asStream.tap(logBytes).run(ZSink.count)
        } yield Response.text(count.toString)
      Method.POST / "upload-stream" / "form-field" -> handler { (req: Request) =>
        if (req.header(Header.ContentType).exists(_.mediaType == MediaType.multipart.`form-data`))
          for {
            form  <- req.body.asMultipartFormStream
            count <- form.fields
              .tap(f => ZIO.log(s"started reading new field: ${f.name}"))
              .flatMap {
                case sb: FormField.StreamingBinary => sb.data.tap(logBytes)
                case _                             => ZStream.empty
          } yield Response.text(count.toString)
        else ZIO.succeed(Response(status = Status.NotFound))
    ).sandbox.toHttpApp @@ Middleware.debug

  override def run: ZIO[Any with ZIOAppArgs with Scope, Any, Any] =
    Server.serve(app).provide(ZLayer.succeed(Server.Config.default.enableRequestStreaming), Server.live)
for {
  url    <- ZIO.fromEither(URL.decode("http://localhost:8080/upload-stream"))
  client <- ZIO.serviceWith[Client](_.url(url) @@ ZClientAspect.requestLogging())
  form = Form(
      ("foo", "This is the first part of the foo form field."),
      ("foo", "This is the second part of the foo form field."),
      ("bar", "This is the body of the bar form field."),
    ).map { case (name, data) =>
        name = name,
        data = ZStream.fromChunk(Chunk.fromArray(data.getBytes)).schedule(Schedule.fixed(200.milli)),
        mediaType = MediaType.application.`octet-stream`,
  res <- client.request(
        path = "form-field",
        body = Body.fromMultipartForm(form, Boundary("boundary123")),
} yield ()

Expected behaviour
I expect to receive the data portion of each binary field as they are sent to the server, without waiting for the client to finish sending all bytes of the form field data. So when the server starts reading a new form field, the 'logBytes' logs incoming bytes as they are received.