zingsurfer / enrollment_challenge

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

layout title
Rails Basics Challenge

Learning Goals

  • Practice creating a Rails application from scratch
  • Turning User Stories into tests
  • Using tests to drive development


  • Try to commit code every 15 minutes at a minimum, push to GitHub often
  • When finished, send a private message to all of your instructors with your Git repo
  • TDD Throughout. Tests should cover all features and all model-level validations and class/instance methods on your models
  • include Simplecov, code coverage should be 90% or better



  • We're mostly concerned that you're getting the features finished
  • Grading also includes:
    • optimal database setup
    • good migrations
    • strong ActiveRecord relationships
    • complete testing at a feature AND model level

Styling is also not required for this particular exercise. If you choose to make your code to look nicer, please do so AFTER you finish all other user stories.


Create a new Rails project from your terminal, and implement the following user stories.

Feel free to review any documentation/projects you have at your disposal. (this is "open-book")

User Stories

User Can See an Individual Student

User Story 1 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students/:id`
I see the name of a student

User Can See a List of Students

User Story 2 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students`
I see a list of student names

User Can Create a Student

User Story 3 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students/new`
And I fill in name
And I click submit
I am on the student show page
And I see that student's name

User Can Edit a Student

User Story 4 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students/:id/edit`
And I enter a new name
And I click submit
I am on the student show page
And I can see that student's new name

User Can Delete a Student

User Story 5 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students`
And I click "Delete" next to a student's name
I see the students index
And that student's name is no longer on the page


User Story 6 of 11

As a user
When I visit any page
I see links to see a list of all students, or create a new student
User Story 7 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students`
And I click on a student's name
I am taken to a show page for that student

Addresses (One-to-Many)

Let's add addresses to this application. In this particular scenario assume that a student can have many addresses (i.e. maybe they have a current address, a permanent address, a parent address, etc.), and that an address belongs to only one student (no students share an address). For today, this will be a one-to-many relationship.

Creating a New Address

User Story 8 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students/:id/addresses/new`
And I fill in description with a description (e.g. "Summer Address")
And I fill in street with a street address
And I fill in city with a city
And I fill in state with a state
And I fill in zip code with a zip code
And I click submit
I am taken to that student's show page
And I see the description, street, city, state, and zip on that page

Student has Many Addresses

User Story 9 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students/:id`
I see all addresses associated with that student (e.g. if that student has two addresses, I see both)

Courses (Many-to-Many)

Now we want to check that a student can be enrolled in classes. For this section, don't worry about creating a new course. Assume that all courses will be created in the database by an administrator. Also assume that all enrollments (e.g. the particular courses a student will be taking) will be created by an adminstrator. For now, implement the stories below that allow you to view existing relationships.

Student has Many Courses

User Story 10 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/students/:id`
I can see a list of courses that student is taking

Courses Have Many Students

User Story 11 of 11

As a user
When I visit `/courses/:id`
I see the name of that course
And a list of students enrolled in that course



Language:HTML 39.4%Language:Ruby 31.1%Language:CSS 28.5%Language:JavaScript 0.9%