zincsearch / zincsearch

ZincSearch . A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go.

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It seems doesn't support the use of "_source"

Dorbmon opened this issue · comments

When adding "_source" in query request, it still returns all the fields.

It's not implemented yet. Can you tell us more about your use case and what you are trying to do, so we make sure that it is catered to during development.


For me, the use case is when client request a search, we just return field needed on the client side
E.g all fields.
"userId", "email", "phoneNumber".

so for public search, we don't need to return userId for client,
but on admin side when searching for data, userId needed in response.

that way on elasticsearch, we just play with the _source filter.

this pr will be help #78

Is available in latest release. Closing issue.