zincsearch / zincsearch

ZincSearch . A lightweight alternative to elasticsearch that requires minimal resources, written in Go.

Home Page:https://zincsearch-docs.zinc.dev

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opensearch support ?

gedw99 opened this issue · comments


https://github.com/opensearch-project/opensearch-go is an elastic alternaitve.

Seems perfect match ?

@gedw99 Its not really an elasticsearch alternative. Its just go sdk / opensearch go client for opensearch. Are you looking to use it with zinc?


hey @prabhatsharma yes i just was brainstorming that opensearch-go and zinc would work well together.


"opensearch-go is a community-driven, open source fork of go-elasticsearch" So it could act as a client for zinc


@prabhatsharma see the opensearch integration with benthos. Its the first PR.


Would be nice if Zinc worked with this...

@gedw99 Can you elaborate on what is it that you mean by opensearch support?


Or sure what’s missing but that repo allows devs to use be this with the open search api .

if you know benthos then you can appreciate how useful this is for integrating zinc with other systems without any compilation stage