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About Querystring Search

eddyyuen opened this issue · comments

{ "name": "logs", "storage_type": "disk", "mappings": { "properties": { "lv": { "type": "keyword", "index": true, "sortable": true, "aggregatable": true } } } }

{ "lv":"lv-001" }
{ "lv":"LV001" }

Search /api/logs/_search
{ "search_type":"querystring", "query": { "term":"+lv:LV001" }, "sort_fields": ["-_score"], "from": 0, "max_results": 20, "_source": [] }

{ "search_type":"querystring", "query": { "term":"+lv:lv-001" }, "sort_fields": ["-_score"], "from": 0, "max_results": 20, "_source": [] }

None result hits. WHY?

I can only search using DSL
post /es/logs/_search
{ "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "term": { "lv": "LV001" }} ] } } }

Looks like a bug in querystring implementation. I will check this.

Because, with query_string the query term will analyzer first. default analyzer try to split token and lowerCase.

LV001 after analyzer will become to lv001
lv-001 after analyzer will become to lv 001

but with field type keyword will do nothing on value, just stored as LV001 or lv-001.

So, lv001 can't match LV001, lv-001 can't match lv 001 (there has two tokens).

as you example:

just can use es compatible api to search:

{ "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "term": { "lv": "LV001" }} ] } } }
{ "query": { "bool": { "filter": [ { "term": { "lv": "lv-001" }} ] } } }

Next version, you can use new search api do query_string, i will improve it.