zigomir / jira_tracker

Track your time, spent on issues from command line

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple tool to track the time you spent on Jira issues.


gem install jira_tracker
jira_tracker initialize


jira_tracker <ticket/project> <time-spent> "<comment>"

When you work on specific ticket

jira_tracker xoya-10 1h "test comment"

When you don't have any ticket but you work on a project

jira_tracker xoya 1h "test comment"

If you put - (dash, like xoya-10) in a first argument, program will try to find a specific ticket, otherwise will look for a project with ticket that has summary Time Tracking Ticket.

You can specify a time unit after a time value 'X', such as Xw, Xd, Xh or Xm, to represent weeks (w), days (d), hours (h) and minutes (m), respectively.

Developer docs for JIRA REST api

Worklog POST request


Track your time, spent on issues from command line

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%