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Incorrect byte offset and struct size for packed structs

SamTebbs33 opened this issue · comments

The byte offsets of fields within a packed struct are sometimes incorrect, see the below example.

const std = @import("std");

const PackedStruct = packed struct {
    /// bitoffset = 0, byteoffset = 0
    bool_a: bool,
    /// bitoffset = 1, byteoffset = 0
    bool_b: bool,
    /// bitoffset = 2, byteoffset = 0
    bool_c: bool,
    /// bitoffset = 3, byteoffset = 0
    bool_d: bool,
    /// bitoffset = 4, byteoffset = 0
    bool_e: bool,
    /// bitoffset = 5, byteoffset = 0
    bool_f: bool,
    /// bitoffset = 6, byteoffset = 0
    u1_a: u1,
    /// bitoffset = 7, byteoffset = 0
    bool_g: bool,
    /// bitoffset = 8, byteoffset = 1
    u1_b: u1,
    /// bitoffset = 9, byteoffset = 1
    u3_a: u3,
    /// bitoffset = 12, byteoffset = 1
    u10_a: u10,
    /// bitoffset = 22, byteoffset = 2
    u10_b: u10,

pub fn main() void {
    inline for (@typeInfo(PackedStruct).Struct.fields) |field| {
        std.debug.warn("field={}, byteoffset={} bitoffset={}\n",
            usize(@byteOffsetOf(PackedStruct, field.name)),
            usize(@bitOffsetOf(PackedStruct, field.name))
    std.debug.warn("totalsize {} bytes\n", usize(@sizeOf(PackedStruct)));

The comments show what the bit offsets and byte offsets should be judging by the documentation[1], but below is the result:

field=bool_a, byteoffset=0 bitoffset=0
field=bool_b, byteoffset=0 bitoffset=1
field=bool_c, byteoffset=0 bitoffset=2
field=bool_d, byteoffset=0 bitoffset=3
field=bool_e, byteoffset=0 bitoffset=4
field=bool_f, byteoffset=0 bitoffset=5
field=u1_a, byteoffset=0 bitoffset=6
field=bool_g, byteoffset=0 bitoffset=7
field=u1_b, byteoffset=1 bitoffset=8
field=u3_a, byteoffset=1 bitoffset=9
field=u10_a, byteoffset=1 bitoffset=12
field=u10_b, byteoffset=1 bitoffset=22
totalsize 5 bytes

The size is also incorrect, since it should be 4 bytes (the sum of the fields) but is instead 5.

1: "bool fields use exactly 1 bit" and "Zig supports arbitrary width Integers and although normally, integers with fewer than 8 bits will still use 1 byte of memory, in packed structs, they use exactly their bit width" at https://ziglang.org/documentation/0.4.0/#packed-struct

I believe the problem could be in analyze.cpp:resolve_struct_type.cpp as that seems to be where the packed struct offsets are calculated.

if (packed) {

Most of ir code is beyond my understanding but I see in resolve_struct_type.cpp() the idea of byte offset in a packed struct seems to be linked to the "preceding gen_field_index" and that's probably a larger concept than I've grok'd. My assumption is there is not currently an exact correlation between @byteOffsetOf and field.offset and if that's true then the builtin can resolve by considering field.bit_offset_in_host:

diff --git a/src/ir.cpp b/src/ir.cpp
index fb9e7b51..0dcd1d44 100644
--- a/src/ir.cpp
+++ b/src/ir.cpp
@@ -18331,11 +18331,11 @@ static IrInstruction *ir_analyze_instruction_byte_offset_of(IrAnalyze *ira,
     IrInstruction *field_name_value = instruction->field_name->child;
     size_t byte_offset = 0;
-    if (!validate_byte_offset(ira, type_value, field_name_value, &byte_offset))
+    TypeStructField *field = nullptr;
+    if (!(field = validate_byte_offset(ira, type_value, field_name_value, &byte_offset)))
         return ira->codegen->invalid_instruction;
-    return ir_const_unsigned(ira, &instruction->base, byte_offset);
+    return ir_const_unsigned(ira, &instruction->base, byte_offset + field->bit_offset_in_host / 8);
 static IrInstruction *ir_analyze_instruction_bit_offset_of(IrAnalyze *ira,

note: this doesn't address @sizeOf returning a larger size of the struct than expected

I see no checks for whether or not the struct is packed in analyze.cpp:get_struct_type, could that be the root of the issue? I see some field offset calculations in there.

I don't believe that this is just an issue with @byteOffsetOf, @sizeOf and @bitOffsetOff as the struct doesn't seem to be laid out properly in memory from within GDB (fields are empty when they should show some numerical value, the equivalent C code shows them as having some value).

Another possibly simpler case:

error: destination type 'y' has size 5 but source type 'u32' has size 4
    const y = @bitCast(packed struct {_1: u1, x: u7, _: u24}, u32(0x1ff4)).x;

It seems this is a problem even on structs which don't contain non-byte-divisble sized types

pub const Test = packed struct {
    a: [3]u8,
    b: [8]u8,

@byteOffsetOf(Test, "b"); returns 0

They are arrays of u8, so the first member is 24 bits.

It seems like i ran into this problem as well. Here is some additional findings wheather when this happens or not:

pub const Flags1 = packed struct {
    // byte 0
    b0_0: u1,
    b0_1: u1,
    b0_2: u1,
    b0_3: u1,
    b0_4: u1,
    b0_5: u1,
    b0_6: u1,
    b0_7: u1,

    // partial byte 1 (but not 8 bits)
    b1_0: u1,
    b1_1: u1,
    b1_2: u1,
    b1_3: u1,
    b1_4: u1,
    b1_5: u1,
    b1_6: u1,

    // some padding to fill to size 3
    _: u9,

pub const Flags2 = packed struct {
    // byte 0
    b0_0: u1,
    b0_1: u1,
    b0_2: u1,
    b0_3: u1,
    b0_4: u1,
    b0_5: u1,
    b0_6: u1,
    b0_7: u1,

    // partial byte 1 (but not 8 bits)
    b1_0: u1,
    b1_1: u1,
    b1_2: u1,
    b1_3: u1,
    b1_4: u1,
    b1_5: u1,
    b1_6: u1,

    // some padding that should yield @sizeOf(Flags2) == 4
    _: u10, // this *was* originally 17, but the error happens with 10 as well

pub const Flags3 = packed struct {
    // byte 0
    b0_0: u1,
    b0_1: u1,
    b0_2: u1,
    b0_3: u1,
    b0_4: u1,
    b0_5: u1,
    b0_6: u1,
    b0_7: u1,

    // byte 1
    b1_0: u1,
    b1_1: u1,
    b1_2: u1,
    b1_3: u1,
    b1_4: u1,
    b1_5: u1,
    b1_6: u1,
    b1_7: u1,

    // some padding that should yield @sizeOf(Flags2) == 4
    _: u16, // it works, if the padding is 8-based

comptime {
    @compileLog("Flags1", @sizeOf(Flags1)); // => 3
    @compileLog("Flags2", @sizeOf(Flags2)); // => 5
    @compileLog("Flags3", @sizeOf(Flags3)); // => 4

I could reduce this problem to a struct with a single field:

const std = @import("std");

const Broken = packed struct {
    element: u24,

test "sizeOf == 4" { // succeeds
    std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(Broken) == 4);

test "sizeOf == 3" { // fails
    std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(Broken) == 3);

The assertion fails, my current zig version is 0.5.0+ad0871ea4


Another failure case is packed structs:

const std = @import("std");

const s1 = packed struct {
  a: u8,
  b: u8,
  c: u8,

const s2 = packed struct {
  d: u8,
  e: u8,
  f: u8,

const s3 = packed struct {
  x: s1,
  y: s2,

pub fn main() u8 {
  std.debug.warn("@sizeOf(s1)={}\n", .{@sizeOf(s1)});
  std.debug.warn("@sizeOf(s2)={}\n", .{@sizeOf(s2)});
  std.debug.warn("@sizeOf(s3)={}\n", .{@sizeOf(s3)});
  return 5;

I ran into this today, minified my example to this code which fails its comptime check:

pub const S = packed struct {
    _: [3]u8,
comptime { std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(S) == 3); }

I also ran into this. Somehow, @bitCast seems to be able to correctly determine the size of the struct, while @sizeOf returns a bigger value.

const std = @import("std");

const Foo = packed struct {
    _: [3]u8,

pub fn main() !void {
    var fooBuf = [_]u8{0} ** @sizeOf(Foo);
    std.debug.assert(@sizeOf(Foo) == fooBuf.len);  // succeeds
    var foo = @bitCast(Foo, fooBuf);
$ zig build-exe packed.zig
./packed.zig:10:24: error: destination type 'Foo' has 24 bits but source type '[4]u8' has 32 bits
    var foo = @bitCast(Foo, fooBuf);
./packed.zig:10:29: note: referenced here
    var foo = @bitCast(Foo, fooBuf);
/usr/lib/zig/std/start.zig:334:40: note: referenced here
            const result = root.main() catch |err| {
$ zig version

I think this is another example of this?:

const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;

pub const InReplyTo = packed struct {
    id: [6]u8,
    hash: [16]u8,

comptime {
    assert(@sizeOf(InReplyTo) == 22);
/home/daurnimator/src/zig/lib/std/debug.zig:223:14: error: reached unreachable code
    if (!ok) unreachable; // assertion failure
./sizeof.zig:10:11: note: called from here
    assert(@sizeOf(InReplyTo) == 22);
./sizeof.zig:9:10: note: called from here
comptime {
./sizeof.zig:10:11: note: referenced here
    assert(@sizeOf(InReplyTo) == 22);

still have the issue on v0.9.1. looks like I have to wait v1.0

0.10.0 changes the packed struct semantics and this issue will be closed then, as packed structs will work very differently from now.

Packed structs are now integer backed.