zigbee2mqtt / hassio-zigbee2mqtt

Official Zigbee2MQTT Home Assistant add-on

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Empty devices list

JohannCR opened this issue · comments

Description of the issue

All devices disappeared from the addon's devices list. They are still present in the integration page, and still work.
Since 1.36.1-1 I've been uninstalling and reinstalling switching between the stable and edge versions to try to fix some ghost bindings that broke a couple of devices. Since then, I don't know why, the devices list is now empty. As if the database.db was corrupted in some way... When I open it, it looks good and contains all devices though.

Tried clearing cache, rebooting addon, reloading integration, rebooting HA, no change.

Is there a way to fix this ? Like removing the database, reboot and then putting it back or something like that ?

Addon version

edge. Can't find commit hash, but it's the same on stable anyway


Operating System
Interface utilisateur

Logs of the issue (if applicable)

Nothing in the logs

For those wondering, I have not found any solution other than deleting everything and restarting from scratch repairing every device... That was a pain 🤣