ziaKhan1995 / js-gpa-calculator

This code basically is how to calculate GPA based on the course values and Grades. It has a table that includes a menu of grades for each course. On clicking the Calculate Your GPA button it checks for any empty grade of a course. After validating, it calculates the GPA. Routing, navigation, applying an active class to visited link is also handled

Home Page:https://codepen.io/ziakhan1995/pen/bGxzYNO

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Javascript GPA calculator

This will help you through how to create a simple GPA calculator in Javascript. Download code and run on your ssytem.

Run the system

1. Clone the repo/code

2. Open in tomcat (If you have no editors then provide full path for each image file and CSS and HTML file)

*localhost:8080/js-jpa-calculator/index.html in brower.(with tomcat)

*Run the index.html file in brower.(without tomcat)

Kindly visit the Codepen link to Demo the project.

Note* Use defer attribute in script tag if async does work or load the roots file properly. i.e

<script src="javascript/nav.js" async></script>

replace async with defer.

Screenshots are provided in images folder. Download the code and run. (tomcat recommended otherwise you have to handle path issues).

1. It will display errors(if grade value for a course is missing) like this when you hit Calculate GPA button.


2. Display calculated GPA in case all the grades for each course is provided.



This code basically is how to calculate GPA based on the course values and Grades. It has a table that includes a menu of grades for each course. On clicking the Calculate Your GPA button it checks for any empty grade of a course. After validating, it calculates the GPA. Routing, navigation, applying an active class to visited link is also handled



Language:JavaScript 55.0%Language:HTML 28.0%Language:CSS 17.0%