zhuyadong / EmojiSearch

Mirror of com.kyub.emojisearch

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Emoji Sequence Search Api for TextMeshPro Version 1.0 (12/04/2019)

Created by Rafael Costa Soares (raf.csoares@gmail.com / raf.csoares@kyubinteractive.com)

------- LICENSE: -------

FEEL FREE TO USE THIS CODE IN YOUT PROJECT, don't need to give me any credits... this is an Open Source Project.
If the creator of TextMeshPro need any help to integrate it to original TMP_Text, just send me a message in e-mail.

------- FAST GUIDE: -------

* Replace yout TextMeshProUGUI component to TMP_EmojiTextUGUI component
* Enable RichText
* Add in TMP_SETTINGS (or in your TMP_EmojiTextUGUI) the spriteasset in correct format (generated by Sprite Import)

PS: Already added the EmojiData_google in this project so you can use it - Licence(Apache License 2.0): https://github.com/googlei18n/noto-emoji/blob/master/LICENSE
This SpriteAsset include all Emojis from Android 9.0 in 32x32 per emoji format.


* Download a JSON and a Spritetexture from https://github.com/iamcal/emoji-data
* Acess in Unity the tool 'EmojiData to TexturePacker Json' (Path: "Window/TextMeshPro/Convert EmojiData to TexturePacker JSON")
* Drop the JSON downloaded from emoji-date in the tool and configure the size/spacing/padding of the grid in SpriteSheet (default size 32x32, with spacing 2x2 and padding 1x1)
* Hit the convert button
* Find the generated file (with name texturepacker_<OriginalFileName>) in same folder of the json used as parameter. 
* Use generated file in Sprite Importer Tool ("Window/TextMeshPro/Sprite Importer") with the spritesheet downloaded in emoji-date
* Save your SpriteAsset and use it in TextMeshPro (yey!)


Mirror of com.kyub.emojisearch

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%