zhuker / lamejs

mp3 encoder in javascript

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How to convert Float32Array into mp3 file

codGirl opened this issue · comments

Can someone tell me how to encode a mp3 file out of Float32Array in typescript (Angular 6) without using lame? (i tried using Lame but it displayed errors, for files generated when installing Lame, when compiling the project.)

please help.


What kind of data is in your array? You need to use encoder (i.e. Lame) if you have uncompressed audio data there.
You don't need to compile anything to use lamejs.lame.min.js is already compiled. Just include it in your project and it's good to go.

The data is in an Float32Array, uncompressed. I used lame but when i tried to run the application i get an error for files creted when installing lame (haven't modified them )

FloatArray2Int16 (floatbuffer) {
    var int16Buffer = new Int16Array(floatbuffer.length);
    for (var i = 0, len = floatbuffer.length; i < len; i++) {
        if (floatbuffer[i] < 0) {
            int16Buffer[i] = 0x8000 * floatbuffer[i];
        } else {
            int16Buffer[i] = 0x7FFF * floatbuffer[i];
    return int16Buffer;

you can change float32array to int16array.
and call encodeMono function like this

let blob = this.encodeMono(channels, sampleRate, int16Buffer);

encodeMono function is same as here.


Here's my suggestion for converting any Web Audio API-supported media to MP3 using the AudioContext to decode the source media.

This approach is versatile and can also be applied to various video formats as needed.

const fetchAudio = async (url: string) => {
  const response = await fetch(url, {
    mode: 'cors',
    referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer-when-downgrade',
  const arrayBuffer = await response.arrayBuffer();
  const audioContext = new AudioContext();
  const buffer = await audioContext.decodeAudioData(arrayBuffer);
  return buffer;
// Do something to get the url and setup your s3
fetchAudio(url).then((data) => {
    const binary = audioToMp3Binary(data);
    s3.send(new PutObjectCommand({
        Bucket: bucketName,
        Key: `test/${fileName}`,
        Body: binary, // Uint8Array

The AudioBuffer encapsulates the channel data within a Float32Array, alongside the sampleRate attribute for reference.

import lamejs from 'lamejs';
import MPEGMode from 'lamejs/src/js/MPEGMode';
import Lame from 'lamejs/src/js/Lame';
import BitStream from 'lamejs/src/js/BitStream';

(window as any).MPEGMode = MPEGMode;
(window as any).Lame = Lame;
(window as any).BitStream = BitStream;

export function audioToMp3Binary(audioData: AudioBuffer, debug = true) {
    const encoder = new lamejs.Mp3Encoder(1, audioData.sampleRate, 128);
    const leftChannel = audioData.getChannelData(0);
    // Interpolate to -32768 to 32767, which is signed int16
    const interpolated = leftChannel.map((n) =>
        Math.max(-32768, Math.min(32768, n * (n < 0 ? 32768 : 32767)))
    const int16arr = new Int16Array(leftChannel.length);
    // Type coercion, float -> int
    interpolated.forEach((n, i) => (int16arr[i] = n));

    const mp3Data: Int8Array[] = [];
    const sampleBlockSize = 1152;
    for (let i = 0; i < int16arr.length; i += sampleBlockSize) {
        const sampleChunk = int16arr.subarray(i, i + sampleBlockSize);
        const mp3buf = encoder.encodeBuffer(sampleChunk);
        if (mp3buf.length > 0) mp3Data.push(mp3buf);
    mp3Data.push(new Int8Array(encoder.flush())); // Fill gaps in mp3buf
    if (debug) debugDownload(mp3Data);
    return int8ArrayToUint8Array(mp3Data);

For debugging purposes, you can download the file using a Blob with the MIME type audio/mp3.

function debugDownload(mp3Data: Int8Array[]) {
    const blob = new Blob(mp3Data, { type: 'audio/mp3' });
    const mp3Url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    const link = Object.assign(document.createElement('a'), {
        href: mp3Url,
        download: 'output.mp3',

Finally, should you require the raw binary data, such as for uploading to an S3 bucket, the conversion process would be as follows:

function int8ArrayToUint8Array(int8s: Int8Array[]) {
    const totalLength = int8s.reduce((acc, value) => acc + value.length, 0);
    const result = new Uint8Array(totalLength);
    let offset = 0;
    for (const int8 of int8s) {
        result.set(int8, offset);
        offset += int8.length;
    return result;

@zero41120 Getting silence using your solution in an AudioWorklet. What is the significance of MPEGMode, Lame, and BitStream?


@zero41120 Getting silence using your solution in an AudioWorklet. What is the significance of MPEGMode, Lame, and BitStream?

#86 (comment)

@zero41120 That still doesn't tell me what the significance of MPEGMode, Lame, and BitStream are.


@zero41120 That still doesn't tell me what the significance of MPEGMode, Lame, and BitStream are.

The three variables has no significance for developer perspective and exist solely to satisfy TypeScript's requirements for referencing them as they would in JavaScript, due to their global nature on window. LameJS, not being TypeScript-based and without @types definitions, necessitates their presence to prevent TypeScript calling them undefined.