ZhongQiyu / blink-detector

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CS Screen Usage AI Project (eyes_rest)

This is a mirror of the HS Project in Coding Minds Academy between 9.17.2023 and 2.3.2024 (ALL TIME IN PST).

Homework (2/3/2024):

  1. We would tackle them at the same time! Treat the project as one of your HW for the semester. A for Allen, and J for Jimmy.

  2. Synchronization: (J by 2.3.24)

  • Synchronize the Environment Variables on the Windows (VM) as a .txt or .json file to run the program. (J DONE on 2.1.24)
  • In the working directory that you have on your computer, upload the dependencies of Python and C++ libraries in a folder as requirements.txt. (J DONE on 2.1.24)
  • At each update, use Git to make pull requests for your forked repository with mine. Refer to Git Hello World. A will be making his requests based on pauseForSight too.
  1. Implementation: (A and J by 2.2.24)
  • Add hardware support on MediaPipe and pynput on Allen's machine. Embed MediaPipe on macOS and refer to the API of CMake and Bazel to install MediaPipe on the Windows VM. (A DONE on 2.1.24)
  • Add statistics to create a report at the end of the program run, showing the user's statistics of eye-blinking, keyboard-stroking, and mouse-clicking. (A and J by 2.2.24)
    • When the user closes the program, we have a pop-up window ('Do you want to close the program?') to let the user choose that: (J DONE on 2.2.24)
      • If 'No', then the program keeps running;
      • Else 'Yes', then another pop-up window containing the three grand counts is at position.
    • Flex the components if needed. (A by 2.2.24)
  • Change ALL the code to be able to process with multi-threading: (A and J DONE on 2.1.24)
    • We now have the video stream input, the listener for the keyboard, and the one for the mouse/touch bar. However sometimes they do not really listen, and using a MINIMUM CAP for the threads available for machines may help.
    • Use multiprocessing in Python and thread in C++ to parallelize the computation done by the three components.
      • For the video stream, the cap will be the same count of frames per second (FPS) that a single program run can support.
      • For the listeners of the two hardware, we inherit the same idea but the counts in the real situation might differ.
      • Chances likely, the counts for the latter two would be smaller. Support the other machines as much as we can.
  • Final Compilation! (A and J by 2.3.24)
    • Pack the current project as an .exe program and save as a dev version. (J DONE on 1.29.24)
    • Cite the code for our repo (hs_project) as a submodule (refer to Git Hello World) in order to let the testers download and test our program. (A DONE on 1.31.24)
    • Tune OBS Studio's settings of Virtual Camera to allow recording on Zoom and real-time display of code to be at the same time. (A and J by 2.2.24)
    • Make a new demo for the project once you have a running version. Upload your demo as a YouTube video and replace the YouTube link in the pauseForSight repo. (J by 2.3.24)
  1. Refactoring: (A by 2.2.24)
  • Rename the variables and the functions that are too general.
  • Merge files that have similar names, such as System.py, cascade.py, ocr.py, and main.py. (A DONE on 1.29.24)
  • Apply the same logic of (1) and (2) on the folders. Do not change them into submodules. Refer to the repository done by Marisabel.
  1. *Additional Features:
  • A grid layout or a drop-down menu for GUI.
  • The location of mouse clicks on the screen.
  • The real-time tracking of the most recent keyboard input.
  • The statistics of the # of the real-time eye-tracking feature points.
  • A script that generalizes the libraries used in both macOS and Windows.
  • Run with VS Code or PyCharm to compare and to test the difference of compilation time. Colab prevents the GUI parts to load, and it is the full-size compilers that helps us.
  • A script that connects your external hardware as a virtual camera to work on OpenCV. Since we need to display the project in Zoom, we need to leave the embedded camera for the main project while enabling video input for Zoom with the virtual camera.
  • A dynamic procedure that captures and adjusts the detection model's confidence (i.e. the user's confidence too as they calls the GUI) for eye-blinking. The further you are away from the screen, the less difference of the eyelids is needed for telling 1 blink, vice versa.
  • Aside from the current text-input box that changes the strictness, enhance the AI feature's controls on the user's end.
    • If the video stream is blocked too much by external items, the dynamic adjustment pauses the streaming, until the blocking items are removed.
    • We will have a time-lapse here, say like a 3-second threshold.
  • A better layout a.k.a arrangement of elements for the controlling GUI: (J by 2.2.24)
    • Currently our placement of the display is about 70% on the left, while the GUI on the right can be a bit smaller.
    • Modify the volume ratio of display-GUI from 7:3 to 8:2 (80-20) or 3:1 (75-25), while allowing a bit more automatic spacing for the warning messages.
    • Try to truncate the warning messages and the contents of the buttons. Replace the warning messages with pop-up windows to show the moments of stopping the video input.
  • Fine-tuning modules of eye-blink tracing:
    • Currently we are combining the CascadeClassifier in OpenCV (?) and the Face Mesh (mediapipe.solutions.face_mesh) to count the eye blinks.
      • For the captions a bit away from the camera, the model can perform better.
      • Why do you think we are experiencing that? How may we solve this with fine-tuning? Refer to the MediaPipe API.
    • The one for tuning the threshold of key strokes.
      • For both the keyboard and the mouse that tells the user if they needs a break, we add the ones respectively.
      • We have the default parameters set up, while we need additional efforts to let it broadcast to different kinds of tasks.


  • Do git pull then git push ... AS ALWAYS. This will eliminate at least 60% of the clashes.
  • When deletion of files happened, revert to the last-updated version. Save the directories often when you finish an iteration.
  • Merge with whatever Marisabel has shared with you and use my GitHub repo to synchronize the progress. Again, be aware of the naming of everything.
  • Cite the work from ChatGPT with notes when they bring a large help to your project (e.g. put up a module that works completely or fixed a stingy bug).
  • Use the GitHub feature in either PyCharm or VS Code to synchronize the progress. It is better than plain-text because of the auto-configuration of the .iml files, etc.
  • Tackle with Git when you iterate the versions. We are using the main branch, and if you want to have you own, feel free to create one. Send pull requests per your version update.
  • Ask Yourself: Which files are the ones we inherited? Which are not? Can they be consolidated into one folder? Which file can be deleted? Which files should go to which directory, under which hierarchy? Why?


  • Jimmy's difference of the resolution on camera intake from that of Allen's. Vice Versa.

Meeting w/ Marisabel (1/30/2024)

  1. Instable Behavior of Listeners - Apply Multi-Threading
  2. OS Compatibility - Sync The Libraries and Dependencies
  3. Website Demo - Change index.html when the YouTube video is done; Replace pauseForSight.zip when ALL CODE IS DONE
  4. Duplicated Repos - Cite hs_project as a submodule in pauseForSight; keep eyes_rest original but provide feedback as tutorial changes

Meeting w/ Marisabel (11/15/2023)

Meeting w/ Marisabel (9/26/2023)

Meeting w/ Marisabel (9/16/2023)


Module 1: AI Introduction

  1. AI and scikit-learn
  1. Computer Vision to Read a Video/Image
import cv2 

# Create a video capture object, in this case we are reading the video from a file
vid_capture = cv2.VideoCapture('<file_path.mp4>') # For webcam change <file_path.mp4> to 0. Eg. vid_capture = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

if (vid_capture.isOpened() == False):
  print("Error opening the video file")
# Read fps and frame count
  # Get frame rate information
  # You can replace 5 with CAP_PROP_FPS as well, they are enumerations
  fps = vid_capture.get(5)
  print('Frames per second : ', fps,'FPS')

  # Get frame count
  # You can replace 7 with CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT as well, they are enumerations
  frame_count = vid_capture.get(7)
  print('Frame count : ', frame_count)

  # vid_capture.read() methods returns a tuple, first element is a bool 
  # and the second is frame
  ret, frame = vid_capture.read()
  if ret == True:
    # 20 is in milliseconds, try to increase the value, say 50 and observe
    key = cv2.waitKey(20)
    if key == ord('q'):

# Release the video capture object

Module 2: Eyes Blink Engine

Learn about Medipipe Face Mesh

MediaPipe is an open-source framework developed by Google that offers ready-to-use Machine Learning models for various tasks, including face detection and facial landmark estimation. In this tutorial, we will focus on using the MediaPipe Face Mesh model to detect facial landmarks in images and video streams.


mediapipe Python library installed. You can install it using pip:

pip install mediapipe

Getting Started

  1. Import the required libraries:
import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
  1. Initialize the MediaPipe Face Mesh model:
mp_face_mesh = mp.solutions.face_mesh
face_mesh = mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh()
  1. Initialize the webcam or load an image:
# To use a webcam, you can initialize it like this:
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

# To use an image, you can load it like this:
# image = cv2.imread('your_image.jpg')
  1. Create a loop to process frames (for live video):
while True:
   ret, frame = cap.read()
   if not ret:

   # Convert the BGR image to RGB
   rgb_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

   # Process the frame with MediaPipe Face Mesh
   results = face_mesh.process(rgb_frame)
  1. Draw facial landmarks on the frame:
   if results.multi_face_landmarks:
       for face_landmarks in results.multi_face_landmarks:
           for landmark in face_landmarks.landmark:
               x, y, z = int(landmark.x * frame.shape[1]), int(landmark.y * frame.shape[0]), int(landmark.z * frame.shape[1])
               cv2.circle(frame, (x, y), 2, (0, 255, 0), -1)
  1. Display the processed frame:
   cv2.imshow('Face Mesh', frame)

   if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
  1. Release the video capture and close the OpenCV window when finished:
  • To run the code with a webcam, make sure you have a webcam connected to your computer. Execute the script, and it will open a window displaying the webcam feed with facial landmarks drawn.
  • To run the code with an image, uncomment the image loading section and provide the path to your image. Execute the script, and it will display the image with facial landmarks drawn.

Show Left Eyes

Let's inspect the image that show the canonical face model uv visualization canonical_face_model_uv_visualization.png

If we zoom in the image we can get the key-points for the left eyes img.png

To show only the left eye using the MediaPipe Face Mesh model, you can modify the code by selecting and drawing only the left eye landmarks. Here's how you can do it:

import cv2
import mediapipe as mp

mp_face_mesh = mp.solutions.face_mesh
face_mesh = mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh()

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

while True:
    ret, frame = cap.read()
    if not ret:

    rgb_frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    results = face_mesh.process(rgb_frame)

    if results.multi_face_landmarks:
        for face_landmarks in results.multi_face_landmarks:
            # Define the indices for the left eye landmarks
            left_eye_landmark_indices = [33, 246, 161, 160, 159, 158, 157, 173, 133, 155, 154, 153, 145, 144, 163, 7]

            for idx in left_eye_landmark_indices:
                landmark = face_landmarks.landmark[idx]
                x, y, z = int(landmark.x * frame.shape[1]), int(landmark.y * frame.shape[0]), int(
                    landmark.z * frame.shape[1])
                cv2.circle(frame, (x, y), 2, (0, 255, 0), -1)

    cv2.imshow('Left Eye', frame)

    if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):


In this modified code, we define the left_eye_landmark_indices list to specify the indices of the landmarks corresponding to the left eye. We then iterate through these indices and draw circles at the corresponding positions on the frame. This will show only the landmarks of the left eye, effectively isolating it from the rest of the face landmarks.

Show Right Eyes: SAME AS Show Left Eyes essentially but tune with difference feature points

Eyes Blink Detector

  • process_image
    • fetch_face_data
    • landmarks_detection
    • update_blink_data
    • calculate the blink ratio
      • euclidean_distance
      • blink_ratio
    • draw_eyes
    • check_blink_rate
    • show_activity_timer
    • calculate_frame_per_sec
    • reset_values
  • tester and the test cases for video input

Module 3: Mouse and Keyboard Tracker

Learn about pynput

  • Monitoring the mouse
    • A mouse listener is a threading.Thread, and all callbacks will be invoked from the thread.
    • Call pynput.mouse.Listener.stop from anywhere, raise StopException or return False from a callback to stop the listener.
    • When using the non-blocking version above, the current thread will continue executing.
      • This might be necessary when integrating with other GUI frameworks that incorporate a main-loop.
      • But when run from a script, this will cause the program to terminate immediately.
from pynput import mouse

def on_move(x, y):
    print('Pointer moved to {0}'.format(
        (x, y)))

def on_click(x, y, button, pressed):
    print('{0} at {1}'.format(
        'Pressed' if pressed else 'Released',
        (x, y)))
    if not pressed:
        # Stop listener
        return False

def on_scroll(x, y, dx, dy):
    print('Scrolled {0} at {1}'.format(
        'down' if dy < 0 else 'up',
        (x, y)))

# Collect events until released
with mouse.Listener(
        on_scroll=on_scroll) as listener:

# ...or, in a non-blocking fashion:
# listener = mouse.Listener(on_move=on_move, on_click=on_click, on_scroll=on_scroll)
# listener.start()
  • Monitoring the keyboard
    • A keyboard listener is a threading.Thread, and all callbacks will be invoked from the thread.
      • Call pynput.keyboard.Listener.stop from anywhere, raise StopException or return False from a callback to stop the listener.
      • The key parameter passed to callbacks is a pynput.keyboard.Key, for special keys, a pynput.keyboard.KeyCode for normal alphanumeric keys, or just None for unknown keys.
    • When using the non-blocking version above, the current thread will continue executing.
      • This might be necessary when integrating with other GUI frameworks that incorporate a main-loop.
      • But when run from a script, this will cause the program to terminate immediately.
from pynput import keyboard

def on_press(key):
        print('alphanumeric key {0} pressed'.format(
    except AttributeError:
        print('special key {0} pressed'.format(

def on_release(key):
    print('{0} released'.format(
    if key == keyboard.Key.esc:
        # Stop listener
        return False

# Collect events until released
with keyboard.Listener(
        on_release=on_release) as listener:

# ...or, in a non-blocking fashion:
listener = keyboard.Listener(

Keyboard and Mouse Tracker

  • Define a callback function for mouse events
  • Define a callback function for keyword events
  • Track user activity
  • Run Tracker
  • Test Tracker

Module 4 - Activity and Inactivity Engine

Build Activity and Inactivity Engine

  • Simulate Data
    • simulate_blink_rate(num_intervals):
    • simulate_usage_time(session_duration_minutes, max_interval_duration_minutes):
    • simulate_inactivity(usage_data):
    • simulate_activity_labels(inactivity_data, activity_data, threshold_ratio, activity_threshold):
  • Run train_model
  • Make Predictions

Module 5 - Build Eyes tracker

  • Process Image in a Thread
  • Use the AI to predict if a person need to take a break (break_prediction)
  • Apply run_engine

Module 6 - APP desktop




Language:Python 89.4%Language:CSS 2.7%Language:C++ 1.6%Language:C 1.5%Language:JavaScript 1.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 1.3%Language:CMake 1.0%Language:Makefile 0.7%Language:HTML 0.2%Language:PHP 0.0%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:TypeScript 0.0%