zhiqiangzhongddu / LaMolT5

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • You need to install all the dependencies from the requirements.txt.
  • You need to login to the huggingface-cli with a write token and that you have set up the correct paths for the train/finetune.py file either change the default values or give them as arguments.
  • Use the bash script: bash training/train.sh from the root directory to train and save intermediate steps on huggingface.
  • To load the tensorboard use the following commands:
    • tensorboard --logdir <LOG_DIR> --port 6006 --bind_all
    • ssh -N -f -L localhost:16006:localhost:6006 <USER>@<SERVER>


The models for this project can be found at huggingface here (update path to new huggingface repo). For now there are a checkpoint for each 100 epochs.


  • You can generate predictions with a trained model using the prediction/predict.py script.


  • You can evaluate trained models with the two scripts evaluation/evaluate_caption2smiles.py and evaluation/evaluate_smiles2caption based on predictions generated on the previous step.


The results from the evaluation step will be saved as a file under the evalauation folder.



Language:Jupyter Notebook 60.2%Language:Python 39.8%